My dear sisters. About Namaz.


Junior Member
...Salam Alykom Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu...
I have an question about Sajda. Alhamdulillah I have learned almost everything to pray 5 times per day from head and don't need use any paper anymore. Little bit more training and will be okay.
But once I prayed beside my husband he got comfused and so do me after he shared his comfusing.
While am going to Sajda my feet should be turned around that the feet is to the sky.But when I come back to Surah Al-Fatiha I need first to turn them again to the earth side and than wake up.
Is it correctly? Maybe I should draw some photos and show how am doing it? To properly understand? I am really comefused and I would be really happy if my sisters in islam would help me with this.

Amina :hijabi:


Junior Member
keep you toes in contact with the ground at all time. As you go for sujood, bend you feet at the toe joints such that your toes are perpendicular to the metatarsals. thus your toes are horizontal on the ground while your metatarsals are vertical.
if this technique is difficult then i guess you should continue doing what you are currently doing.


Junior Member
...Salam alykom Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu....

Hmm the problem is that I do not exactly understand English such good to understand even what have you wrote here above.... Well I will try post some photos of my draw to just see the various of how would be better to do and correct. But first I need go for a ablution and pray Dohur.
Thank you for trying help :) After my husband tomorrow will be home I will try to show him what has been written above. Might he understand it. :):hijabi:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
^ But that is the salah for a male. Females pray differently with their feet to the right hand side..

As-salaamu `alaykum

As far as I'm aware, that's only the case in the Hanafi madhhab. Mentioning this may cause additional confusion to the issue, as the sister is in Latvia, where there are hardly any Muslims at all (i.e. so she most probably is learning according to another madhhab/way). Regardless, the sister is refering to the sajdah and not the tashahhud.

To sister Amina, I think the 8 minute mark of this video may help explain.


This link has pics and directions on salat, including female variation.

I must say, I love the way our elders/people always make the kids look smart with their ties and all, just for photographs.


Junior Member

Here is a link that can help you

Chose the prayer that you want to view how it's done, and it will demonstrate for you. There is a notice, it says:

Notice: This web site is dedicated to beginners. It’s the basic praying method, valid for both genders accepted by all the Islamic scholars throughout the world.


Junior Member

As-salaamu `alaykum

As far as I'm aware, that's only the case in the Hanafi madhhab. Mentioning this may cause additional confusion to the issue, as the sister is in Latvia, where there are hardly any Muslims at all (i.e. so she most probably is learning according to another madhhab/way). Regardless, the sister is refering to the sajdah and not the tashahhud.

To sister Amina, I think the 8 minute mark of this video may help explain.

I must say, I love the way our elders/people always make the kids look smart with their ties and all, just for photographs.

Very, very helpfull =))))))))) Thank you sooo much. May Allah reward you. Ameen.


Junior Member
...Salam alykom Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu....

Awww, am so happy! Thank you , thank you, thank you- all of you =)))