Name Change


Junior Member
salam alaikum brothers and sisiters:)

so, i have been wanting to go by an arabic name since i converted and i like the name Sa'dah, but is that an appropriate arabic name? and if so, could someone write it in arabic for me? Thanks so much


Subhana Allah!
salam alaikum brothers and sisiters:)

so, i have been wanting to go by an arabic name since i converted and i like the name Sa'dah, but is that an appropriate arabic name? and if so, could someone write it in arabic for me? Thanks so much

asalamu alaykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh....:)

Sa'dah, hmmm. it does sounds good to me and i hope it does to u Sis. sorry i don't have arabic keyboard, maybe someone in here does......:hearts: