name meaning


Junior Member
Asalaam o alaikum
Can any one pls tell me is it good to keep a baby name "suha''.as it means "name of a star"..i searched for it in detail and i found suha is a neglected or forgotten star.... please some help.......


Junior Member
you did not explain what kind of help you are looking for?

Suha is not a neglected name. there are many sisters with this name. if the star is forgotten or neglected, that does not render the star redundant nor it means the star is not useful. the star can be very important ingredient in the stability of the milky way. so it is a human shortcoming to neglect it....


Junior Member
I saw in internet that suha means a star and when i went to its detail i got this info its a forgotten star bcoz it makes a binary star with mizar thats anoder star and they both can b seen with a naked eye


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Staff member
Don't know about 'suha'.. how 'bout, Suha...anah? =)