Names of Heavens and Hells


Yearning Slave
:salam2: brothers and sisters...

I would like to pose a question...? Recently, a question was posed to me. What are the names of the seven heavens. I do know two; Firdaws and Jannah (may we be granted access Ameen)

Anyone care to inform me of the other 5 heavens and what about the names of the 7 hells?


Sister Nur


New Member
Names of Paradise

Assalamo Alaikom Warahmatullahi Wabarakatoh.
Brothers and Sisters these are the 8 names of Paradise:

1. Jannatul Ma'wa (The Lowest)
2. Daarul Maqaam
3. Daarus Salaam
4. Daarul Khuld
5. Jannatul Adan (The Middle)
6. Jannatun Naeem
7. Jannatul Kasif
8. Jannatul Firdaus (The Highest)

I hope the above will benefit others. Jazakumullaho Khair.


..Muslim Be United..
The Names of Hell


The Names of Hell

1. Jaheemfire - because of its blazing fire.

2. Jahannam - Hell - because of the depth of its pit.

3. Ladthaa - blazing fire - because of its flames.

4. Sa’eer - blazing flame - because it is kindled and ignited.

5. Saqar - because of the intensity of its heat.

6. Hatamah - broken pieces or debris - because it breaks and crushes everything that is thrown into it.

7. Haawiyah - chasm or abyss - because the one who is thrown into it is thrown from top to bottom

May Allah save us from Hellfire. Ameen



Yearning Slave


Syukran brother/sister

May Allah place us in Jannah and save us from Hellfire. Ameen

Sister Nur