new member :]


New Member

heyyy everyonee.
im roxie; && im a christian
i've known about islam for a while
but recently i;ve been dating someone
whos muslim. && its a serious relationship
and i love him very much. so im thinking
about converting to islam in the future
and i guess this is a good chance to learn
about islam.

so if you ever have any info
feel free to tell me <3



New Member
Staff member

Nice to have you here. May Allaah swt use that Muslim bro as an instrument to guide in the path of Islaam. Please don't hesistate to ask should you have any questions. :)


New Member

heyy just wanted to welcome you to thiss sitee
you are indeed really LUCKYY to have a person like that in your lifee
may GOD bless both of youu
pleasee feel free to ask any questions you hav about anythingg & i mean anything
even if its a small matter,
we will all try our bestt to giv you the most accurate answerss
keep in touch
Hello Roxie,

Welcome to the community. Inshallah (God willing) you will find T2I beneficial and resourceful. Please feel free to browse the videos and the countless informative & interesting threads on here. We are open to ANY of your questions.

Don't revert to Islam because of your relationship. Learn Islam. Find it's logic, wisdom and numerous fruits and inshallah God will guide you.

Catch you around,



heyyy everyonee.
im roxie; && im a christian
i've known about islam for a while
but recently i;ve been dating someone
whos muslim. && its a serious relationship
and i love him very much. so im thinking
about converting to islam in the future
and i guess this is a good chance to learn
about islam.

so if you ever have any info
feel free to tell me <3


i don't want to come off as being mean, but you said that you are dating a muslim. i'm not sure if you know it, but dating is forbidden in islam. if you must be together, you should marry as soon as possible. since he is a muslim he should already know this. i tell you this because there's a chance that you may embrace islam and i don't want you to embrace it and start off on the wrong foot. embracing islam washes away all of your past sins, therefore why embrace it and do something haram?

also. don't convert because he's a muslim. you have to convert because you believe in the truth of islam. almost every woman that i have known that converted to islam because their " boyfriend " or husband was muslim ended breaking up, getting divorced and in turn departing from islam. why? because their conversion wasn't sincere. you have to keep in mind that becoming a muslim is the most life altering decision you'll ever make. it's more than a religion, it's a way of life. so i urge you to really learn more about islam just for yourself, forget the whole muslim boyfriend thing, because it's about where you'll be in the next life, which is most important. don't delay Roxie, none of us are promised tomorrow, so we have to make each day count and get right with ALLAH SWT.

please forgive me if i seemed a bit harsh, i was only that way because many people replied without stating that dating is HARAM in islam. so if no one told you, how would you know that it was wrong?



roxie smith.haha.nice name.where did the name roxie originate?

anyway,learn islam, convert because u bilif in it.then go tell ur bf u gonna be muslim and he is not the reason.haha.


Junior Member

Most welcome to this beautiful communtiy.

May Almighty Allah help you to understand this beautiful relegion.

May Allah guide you to the best.

May your wish comes true.

do ye think that ye shall enter the gardin of bliss without such trials as came to those who passed away before you? they encounterd suffreing and adversity, and were so shaken in spirit that even the messenger and those of faith who where with him cried ''when will come the help of allah? Ah verily, the help of allah is allways near.

“And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a
him to get out (from every difficulty).
And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever
puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish
purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for all things”[al-Talaaq 65:2-3]

"Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in
goods, lives, and the fruits of your toil. But give glad tidings to those who
patiently persevere. Those who say, when afflicted with calamity, 'To Allah we
belong, and to Him is our return.' They are those on whom descend blessings
from their Lord, and mercy. They are the ones who receive guidance." (2:155-157)


i don't want to come off as being mean, but you said that you are dating a muslim. i'm not sure if you know it, but dating is forbidden in islam. if you must be together, you should marry as soon as possible. since he is a muslim he should already know this. i tell you this because there's a chance that you may embrace islam and i don't want you to embrace it and start off on the wrong foot. embracing islam washes away all of your past sins, therefore why embrace it and do something haram?

also. don't convert because he's a muslim. you have to convert because you believe in the truth of islam. almost every woman that i have known that converted to islam because their " boyfriend " or husband was muslim ended breaking up, getting divorced and in turn departing from islam. why? because their conversion wasn't sincere. you have to keep in mind that becoming a muslim is the most life altering decision you'll ever make. it's more than a religion, it's a way of life. so i urge you to really learn more about islam just for yourself, forget the whole muslim boyfriend thing, because it's about where you'll be in the next life, which is most important. don't delay Roxie, none of us are promised tomorrow, so we have to make each day count and get right with ALLAH SWT.

please forgive me if i seemed a bit harsh, i was only that way because many people replied without stating that dating is HARAM in islam. so if no one told you, how would you know that it was wrong?


welcome :SMILY149::SMILY149::SMILY149:....u r very write brother


Junior Member
If someone is new to religion or god or even studying the faith, to approach them and start saying this and that is haraam etc is just soo off putting because they are new to the religion, u should encourage them to the key pillars which is belief in tawhid then salah, remember if someone isnt even a muslim to start telling them what is haraam etc is just the wrong approach i think, such things can come later. Remember the religion came down in stages so the people could develope their faith. elah-e-qah


Turn To Islam
If someone is new to religion or god or even studying the faith, to approach them and start saying this and that is haraam etc is just soo off putting because they are new to the religion, u should encourage them to the key pillars which is belief in tawhid then salah, remember if someone isnt even a muslim to start telling them what is haraam etc is just the wrong approach i think, such things can come later. Remember the religion came down in stages so the people could develope their faith. elah-e-qah

Salam Sister,

Very well Said. We must treat any person wanting to know about Islam as a baby and let them absorb the information we give them in before moving too fast. They need to be able to crawl and then walk before they can run.

It's true that we cannot guarantee that we will be alive tomorrow before she takes the Shahada, (declaration of faith) however let them know gently what Islam is all about and what they're getting themselves into as we want them to accept Islam sincerely and for all the right reasons.

Inshallah Roxy will learn a lot from TTI and I know my revert sisters will help her through this from their experiences of being in a similar situations to her.

Salam all.



New Member

very well said
i noticed everyone being so harsh and sounding awful and its true that they should learn things step by step & if we just start off by declaring what is haram & what is evil then they might get the wrong idea of islam and might start loosing interest of converting or even learning about islam
soo we as brotherr & sisterss need to be more frienly & make her comfortable
thank you & may allah bless you ROXIE & lead you on the right path =]


Junior Member

i don't want to come off as being mean, but you said that you are dating a muslim. i'm not sure if you know it, but dating is forbidden in islam. if you must be together, you should marry as soon as possible. since he is a muslim he should already know this. i tell you this because there's a chance that you may embrace islam and i don't want you to embrace it and start off on the wrong foot. embracing islam washes away all of your past sins, therefore why embrace it and do something haram?

also. don't convert because he's a muslim. you have to convert because you believe in the truth of islam. almost every woman that i have known that converted to islam because their " boyfriend " or husband was muslim ended breaking up, getting divorced and in turn departing from islam. why? because their conversion wasn't sincere. you have to keep in mind that becoming a muslim is the most life altering decision you'll ever make. it's more than a religion, it's a way of life. so i urge you to really learn more about islam just for yourself, forget the whole muslim boyfriend thing, because it's about where you'll be in the next life, which is most important. don't delay Roxie, none of us are promised tomorrow, so we have to make each day count and get right with ALLAH SWT.

please forgive me if i seemed a bit harsh, i was only that way because many people replied without stating that dating is HARAM in islam. so if no one told you, how would you know that it was wrong?



not only is this harsh but their is no Hikmah(wisdom) in such a comment to a person discovering islam. How will this benefit her to know the tedious aspect of the religion without knowing tawheed and the major pillars? Sometimes i find that many people who use this approach lead many people away from islam..just my honest opinion.


Junior Member

sister ROXIE first of all ,congratulations that you have found your love in,do ya!.and i am sure its an almost sacred ,spiritual feeling for you.indeed its a great blessing that should make us grateful to ?to whom?and yet we feel so grateful is at times like this that one reflects who could have created this capacity to feel in our hearts ,who could have created the heart and who created me . Who created the beautiful sky, who created the nights and who created the days.who created the gentle breeze that sways.who created this feeling of time and who created space.who gave me this vivid imagintion that i ask this wonderful question .subhanallah.this is the beginning of the search for a love ,a love that is eternal a search for the creator ,a search for the love of the creator a seArch for Allah.
and a sublime question again surfs the surfaces of the heart .could the creator the maker of these vast vastness around us extending to where not only our eyes ,not only our imagination but even science fails to tread: have left us to this whhe made us.
as such man today resorts to two ways; either to superstitions, mystical,ancient rituals or to science and a third group of people are there who ignore the question.a person really looking for the purpose of life will immediately realize the futility of all the three.the first category is of those who are making gods out of their imagination.this includes the christians wit Their son of god ideas .this idea if believed in destroys all sense of right and wrong.because you imagine the creator to be like urself tied by ties of kinship.
the second view is defective as well.if i were to tell you that because i havenot been able to prove the existence of god their is no god it would be like i since i dont remember i wasnt in my mothers womb i was never there.anyways you should be relaxed and happy to see maaaaany scientists coming to islam ...searh islam nd sciene on you tube,or scientists islam &youll find many.
best of all search converts to islam and you should be surprised at 'who's who' and 'who not' everyones coming to islam .more than anything the peace in their eyes .many preachers are coming to islam .the most beauiful and lovely story is of a person called yusuf estes

get a quran .but first read nd searCh quran.Above all pray with that inner voice to the ONE WHO LISTENS


accept this as a welcome gift from tti
may ALLah make ur path easy and ours too...:tti_sister: