open houses at your masjid?



there has been something that my masjid has been doing for some time now, and i must say that it is a great idea in order to dispel the myths that people have about islam. what is it? they have open houses, where muslim and non-muslims come and learn about what we muslims believe. there are also Q&A sessions in which a well respected scholar of islam takes questions; often hard ones, from the non-muslims. question about jihad, terrorism and treatment of women. we also have food and other refreshments and also give out free copies of the translation of the Qur'an.

i must say that i have been to many of these open houses and i can tell that the non-muslim community that attended really had changed many of their negative views towards islam, left with better understanding, and one can tell that many of them were touched by the truth of islam.

many people here in the U.S. accuse us muslims as not speaking out enough against violence done in the name of islam. my masjid has held these open houses for years now, have issued press releases, and sites like TTI are here to speak against violent acts in the name of our deen.

we wish our voice could be even louder, however our " voices " cost too much money to get out or news media outlets like Fox News feel that it's a better story to talk about a young muslim girl fleeing her family in pakistan because they wanted her to marry someone 20 years older or a stoning in Iran; than to tell stories about muslims running soup kitchens, free health clinics, and legal consultations, and even inviting non-muslims to open houses/ town hall meetings. most people find their info from the news, because of that i encourage all of you to ask the leaders of your masajid to hold an open house some time, to show people the real beauty of islam.