assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh
I have uploaded a PDF, a book by Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al Abaad (hafizahullah).
People of the Sunnah be Kind with One Another.pdf
He is perhaps, the most senior scholar alive today, he is a Muhadith who teaches in Masjid al nabawi, madinah al munawarah. He has been teaching in Madinah, for well over 40 years, and continued to teach in Madinah university, even after retirement without taking any salary. May Allaah bless him and his family and give him jannatul firdaus, and allow us to benefit from him and other scholars of Islaam , amin
I have uploaded a PDF, a book by Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al Abaad (hafizahullah).
People of the Sunnah be Kind with One Another.pdf
He is perhaps, the most senior scholar alive today, he is a Muhadith who teaches in Masjid al nabawi, madinah al munawarah. He has been teaching in Madinah, for well over 40 years, and continued to teach in Madinah university, even after retirement without taking any salary. May Allaah bless him and his family and give him jannatul firdaus, and allow us to benefit from him and other scholars of Islaam , amin