Question about testament


I'm not what you believe
I hope you're all in good health and Imaan.
I have a question about the muslim's maybe a duty for every muslim to write it before the incoming of death.if in one of the requests of the wife/husband there is that of not to get married after his/her death,should he/she respect the request?:wasalam:


Assalaamu 'alaykum!
I hope you're all in good health and Imaan.
I have a question about the muslim's maybe a duty for every muslim to write it before the incoming of death.if in one of the requests of the wife/husband there is that of not to get married after his/her death,should he/she respect the request?:wasalam:

Hmmm.. there was a male companion who ordered his wife with that (but cant quite remember whether the prophet ordered her to break that promise or not)... Tho personally I don't think its a very nice request, as ones spouse may need some help in their future...

And Allaah knows best...


:wasalam: sister

The rule is (particularly on TTI) that we should not be using our opinions about such matters and refer them to the Islamic scholars and I have no specific knowledge so it would be nice if you ask this question from a reliable source.

All I can do is to share my own general understanding of Islam. Islam is the religion of nature. Whether we admit it or not, men and women have desires and Islam prevents Muslims from falling in the trap of satan and that is why getting married is a Sunnah.

Also, as mentioned by TheAuthenticBase, the widow/er may have other needs to address. For example, raising a family with the help of a partner, paying the bills, providing for the family and so on.

As much as such requests may show a great love for the spouse, I have not heard it to be of Sunnah. It may also show a degree of selfishness. Why should a dead person's obsession (or extreme love) cause the living partner all the challenges. The dead person is gone, the living person has the right to continue to live a full life as Allah almighty has given them that right to live.

There was (or probably still is) a custom in Hinduism that when the husband died, the wife would be burned alive with the body of the husband. Islam is far superior to that and recognises a person's human rights.

Hasan al Amriki

New Member

Sister Hayat, I think what you're asking about is the Islamic view of making promises/oaths (saying/promising in Allah (SWT)'s name that would do/not do something), right?

And as for your question:

....if in one of the requests of the wife/husband there is to not get married after his/her death,should he/she respect the request?

Then yes, it should be respected.

Unless the husband or wife fears Fitnah (like if the husband feels that by NOT getting married to another women (after his wife dies), he will end up falling in-love with another girl or he will end up committing Zina and such).

Or in the wife's case, she feels that by not getting re-married, she will not be able to feed/raise her children (and she can't receive Zakaat to support them).

Another situation (in which the promise can be broken) is when the lonliness (the feeling of being alone and that you wish you had someone special to love you) gets unbearable (you feel that you can't take it anymore) to the point that you're always sad or your Ibadah/Deen starts to go down. For example, if you/he/she always feels sad and stops talking to their friends/family, or if the husband/wife can't concentrate in their Salat, or if the person can't try to be a better Muslim because he/she needs a husband/wife to encourage them to try to be a better Muslim.

That's why Rasulallah (SAW) remarried after Khadijah (RA) died, and the same goes to Ali (RA) (and as far as I remember, Ali (RA) cried when he found out that Fatimah (RA) was going to die).


I'm not what you believe
yes,it would be a weird request,but it may take place someday.maybe the wife will need some help and she should refuse because it's written on the could a person do?I tell this,because in my life I've received this,I won't never get married again,because I can't allow somebody else to enter my room and sleep with me,neither with the intention to help me economically.but maybe nobody would ask such a thing before dieing:)


I'm not what you believe
wow!I didn't espect so many answers in one moment!thank you so much to I turn the question to the married ones:would you get married after the depart of your partner?????
As I said before,I won't never marry life is entirely devoted to my only one love.I know that's difficult to accept the depart of a very dear person,but in my heart I hope to live as long as possible to share many many years with my love:)

Hasan al Amriki

New Member
:salam2: sister Hayat.

LoL as for me, I was hoping to do the same thing as you do. I would find it very hard to get divorced/remarry after I've sincerely devoted myself to one person (to my wife), but, Inshallah Ta Ala, if my wife is Pious enough, I won't do that.

But if my wife ends up being like my oldest sister (always argueing, fighting, screaming,) then I would scream Allahu Akbar until I die, LoL.


Junior Member
Just my opinion

I will say my opinion inshallah.

Deen (religion) should be logically acceptable.

Marriage in Islam is highly recommended to keep both man/woman away from getting into the wrong way. Knowing that we don't know when our souls will be weak, and in that moment the Satan can make an advantage of us !

Many social, mental,economical, health and religious benefits come with marriage, so why not?

I just remember some old story from the time of the prophet SAW, where a woman her husband had been killed in the war with disbelievers. They told her to say some Dua saying in the meaning of : O Lord, reward me in my big problem & give me better than what I have lost. The woman thought: what can I get better than my husband ?! But she got it, because the prophet SAW himself married her.

Keep in mind also we need to increase the Muslim nation specially the children of good Muslim sisters who will raise good Muslims.

Having a good Muslim partner is a very good thing in this life specially for non virgin Muslim.

I don't know if there is any kind of "Kafara" to break this commandment.

Inshallah Allah will guide us all to the right way. Amen.
