Question & Counsel about al-istikhaarah

Salaam Alaikum

I once read a long time ago that before making Istikhaarah prayer u should seek counsel from people than pray to Allah. But I not sure how I feel about asking ppl for advice especially when their judgment is bias or off (because I am surrounding by mostly Kuffars and my muslim friends......well that is a different story

Anyway this is my predicament. Insha'allah, I will be graduating college in may 2009 and my professors want me to apply for this Grant called Fulbright which allows you study abroad. I could even go to an islamic choices are either Qatar or Yemen. now that sounds great but, one I will gone from my family, for an entire year, second, I am sister/female/muslim woman and according to Islam we are not suppose to travel alone. As of now, I have no hubby to take with me, and even if I did does not mean my hubby would have the money to go with me. Thirdly, as now, I am so tired of school, that I would take maybe six months to year off just working and building my Imam or Iman ( I get those two words confuse a lot)

some ppl say, just apply I may not get it, but most ppl are saying applying. I would love to a muslim country but not sure under those pretense.

tell me what you do, or give me your thoughts. I will wait insha'allah to make Istikhaarah for few hours.