question.. the ayah threads


Junior Member
I don't understand them, and i feel really stupid for that... ive read a couple and i seriously think i'm missing SOMETHING or maybe many somethings... I feel really stupid, it seems like something i shouldn't have an issue because everyone else knows ... i can't find enough out online to help or i"m looking in the wrong places which is more likely but if someone could help....... it would be most appreciated.
thanks in advance,..


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram

What is the problem dear Serena ? are you speeking about the threats where are explained in more details versets from Quran ?


Junior Member
if that is what the ayah threads are... then yes i guess so. thats what i wasn't understanding what the threads were for, what they were taken from, etc. I read a couple of them, and maybe it was the comments below that i was getting lost on but i couldn't figure out where they were coming from and searches online to try and help... weren't helping. ... i generally don't have a reading comprehension issue, but i was on these....


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
if that is what the ayah threads are... then yes i guess so. thats what i wasn't understanding what the threads were for, what they were taken from, etc. I read a couple of them, and maybe it was the comments below that i was getting lost on but i couldn't figure out where they were coming from and searches online to try and help... weren't helping. ... i generally don't have a reading comprehension issue, but i was on these....

have you read Quran and tryed to understand the meanings of it ? if not, try to do it, inchallah, take it step by step

“Verily, We have revealed the Reminder, and verily We shall preserve it.” (Quran 15:9)


Junior Member
i have read... large parts of the quran but.. not not every verse.... but i haven't had trouble w/ it inshallah that will continue, I guess it was the information under the verses that was confusing me, it helps knowing where the main part of it is coming from, but how is it determined which ayah is chosen for a particular day... or hadeeth in the same respect on those respective threads. what makes it the right one for that day? does it go in order or?


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram

brother that posts the usual ayah of the day can answer if they are in conection with a certain day...but from my humble point of view, it is not a certain order, just we tryng to learn more each day, as our Prophet saws said, to look for knowledge from the cradle to the grave.



Pearl of Islaam
Wa allaicumu salam dear sister Sarena

I think you are refering on threads posted by our brother " Salahdin"- " Ayah of day".

If this is your question sister, than the certain Ayah is not related with anything specific, but I think that brother is only sending Ayah each day to remaind us on words of Allah. Also always under Ayah there is Tesfir or explination of certain Ayah which is helping in better understanding of Quran.

I think sister it is taken from this site, where you can read explination of every Surah Inshallah.

I pray to Allah that it was helpfull for you dear sister and that this was your question. :shymuslima1:

May Allah bless you



Junior Member
okay.. no thank you both of you.. that does make sense.... keep in mind i'm coming from the catholic faith and there are ... "readings" each day but there does seem to be a special order to them and so i was wondering if the same was true..... but what you both said does help a lot and i really appreciate you both taking the time to answer...
may Allah (swt) reward you for your kindness


Junior Member
And also sister ,
Quran is translated from Arabic and I learned that old Arabic is very rich.
For example one word has too many meanings. Translator is choosing the suitable one.
So, in translation reading, it is normal thing that we're sometimes lost.

May Allah help you to understand the truth...


Junior Member
thank you sister. I"m certainly trying to understand everything i can... which is why i may at times as what would seem like obvious questions to some.... and for that my apologies.


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
thank you sister. I"m certainly trying to understand everything i can... which is why i may at times as what would seem like obvious questions to some.... and for that my apologies.

salam aleikum,

You are most welcome and there is no need of apologies, if Allah lifted the veil from your heart, all that you learn will come to have a sense, inchallah.
Keep your heart open.

take care,
