
New Member
I am a muslim convert and I remember when I was a Christian and had a muslim boyfriend....it was weird to understand his sudden changes when ramadan was coming, not being able to even hold his hands, and mostly not being able to see him almost during the whole month. I remember doingh my research and finding out how important is the month of Ramadan for muslims and the meaning of all the struggle not only avoiding food but avoiding many other things. Because of my appreciation to him, I decided to help him, and I did everything thas was possible to make his month of Ramadan be the best it can be for him....He appreciated it very much. The next year I fasted for a week just to feel how he feels. The third year I fasted 2 weeks. The next year we broke up and after been that close to Islam, I continued my research and ended up converting to this beautiful religion of love and peace. Now I observe Ramadan every year.
SO my advise to you is try to be good to him and to help him be good, avoid been alone together, share the meals with him when he breaks his fast, or make a nice dinner for him and his muslim friends, and try to do your research about the real meaning and intention of fasting, you may find someting that motivates you.


Junior Member
I am a muslim convert and I remember when I was a Christian and had a muslim boyfriend....it was weird to understand his sudden changes when ramadan was coming, not being able to even hold his hands, and mostly not being able to see him almost during the whole month. I remember doingh my research and finding out how important is the month of Ramadan for muslims and the meaning of all the struggle not only avoiding food but avoiding many other things. Because of my appreciation to him, I decided to help him, and I did everything thas was possible to make his month of Ramadan be the best it can be for him....He appreciated it very much. The next year I fasted for a week just to feel how he feels. The third year I fasted 2 weeks. The next year we broke up and after been that close to Islam, I continued my research and ended up converting to this beautiful religion of love and peace. Now I observe Ramadan every year.
SO my advise to you is try to be good to him and to help him be good, avoid been alone together, share the meals with him when he breaks his fast, or make a nice dinner for him and his muslim friends, and try to do your research about the real meaning and intention of fasting, you may find someting that motivates you.

Thank you, well I do know the reasons of fasting in that matter, my question was basically just what he has told me, that I cant even hold his hands. Well during his fasting I'll just stay busy attending church and working so I'll manage! :)
thanks for the anser :)


Junior Member
Salam YasmineSwe

As you might know it already that in Islam it is a sin having a relationship with a man before marriage(iam pretty sure its the same in ur religion also) and this is the main reason for asking you to get married as soon as u can so that u can avoid falling into anymore sins unless you guys have some other reasons for delaying it.

Satan leads humans to sin and he doesnt do it by asking u to directly commit a sin instead he leads us towards sinning step be step and convincing us all the way that what we are doing is fine.

Hope I didnt offend u in anyway and i also hope that u got my point and what i wanted to convey to u and trust me i dont want to get into ur "rudes" list.

Good luck and u take good care.

It's true whatyou say. We believe the same thing definately but the reason we're delaying it is a bit complicated. We CANT get married... not just yet so we have to wait a couple of months.
But thank you for your kind answer and no you're not on my "rudes list" :p

Take care!


Sister in Islam
Salaam Yasmine.....

may Allah bestow you with grace for your forthcoming patience this ramadan



the easiest way in explaining it to you would be this:

ramadan is like spring cleaning. it's about getting things in order. a special time to better oneself.
