Reading from stolen material ? Such as, exam papers ?

Serving Him

New Member
As salam alaykum

In my school, there are questions and sometimes answers of previous year's exam's for some classes. But i guess teachers didnt give those papers freely, but probably some students got them from exam. (I am not quite sure but probably teacher give lots of exam papers and these guys take 1-2 of those papers down, like stealing) I never seen someone stealing them but this seems to be only way if they could get exam papers.

So anyway, yes, i felt like its using haram material so if i study exam by them, there will be like no barakah and maybe its something bad in sight of Allah

What do you think ? Should i study by using those exam papers ? Or you think its not such good idea ? Maybe better to leave it as its a doubtful matter ?


Junior Member
As salam alaykum

In my school, there are questions and sometimes answers of previous year's exam's for some classes. But i guess teachers didnt give those papers freely, but probably some students got them from exam. (I am not quite sure but probably teacher give lots of exam papers and these guys take 1-2 of those papers down, like stealing) I never seen someone stealing them but this seems to be only way if they could get exam papers.

So anyway, yes, i felt like its using haram material so if i study exam by them, there will be like no barakah and maybe its something bad in sight of Allah

What do you think ? Should i study by using those exam papers ? Or you think its not such good idea ? Maybe better to leave it as its a doubtful matter ?


How did some of the students acquired the papers? Did they steal it? Did the teachers gave it to some students only? Did the students get them from past students?


Serving Him

New Member
We have a store at school, where you can find notes, documents about classes AND sometimes you can also find previous years exam papers OR someone write down some of questions they remember and share it with others in that store where you can copy any of those documents. So i found out exam papers of previous years but i GUESS students stole it somehow at time of exam itself. Either they took spare exam papers (teacher give 10 papers for example and want you to give it to others in exam, but maybe they took 1 of them additionally and hide it) and didnt tell teacher about it, or maybe a little posilibity, someone took exam but didnt give paper back. But probably thek took spare exam paper.


Assalaam alaikum,

I do not know about other countries but in the US for final exams we have to keep them boxed up for at least one year.

As a teacher you never give the same exam year after year. Each year a teacher writes a new form of the final exam. In some cases we have two versions of the same exam.

Often a teacher will give students a copy of the previous years exam to study.

Cheating never wins; you cheat yourself of knowledge.

Serving Him

New Member
In here too, they dont do same exam. I found out many exam questions but obviously they dont do same exam again next year. Maybe just similar questions or sometimes same questions but of course not all.

So do you think sister Aapa, its cheating ?


Islam is a way of life
This is cheating, clearly.
Do not read those papers.

- - - Updated - - -

Assalaam alaikum,

I do not know about other countries but in the US for final exams we have to keep them boxed up for at least one year.

As a teacher you never give the same exam year after year. Each year a teacher writes a new form of the final exam. In some cases we have two versions of the same exam.

Often a teacher will give students a copy of the previous years exam to study.

Cheating never wins; you cheat yourself of knowledge.

I have had lazy teachers give the same exam 2 or 3 years in a row before switching to new material.