Reading Quran in Prayer?


Blessed Muslimah

I wanted to ask if it was a bidah to read quran with a mushaf in your salah not the fardh the sunnah prayers say like tahajud salah??:salah:

i am not that good at memorizing the longer surahs thats why i like to read it by the mushaf....but i havent because i thought it might be a bidah so if anyone can help i would really appreciate it :hijabi:



daughter of Adam
it is interesting question

:salam2:brother i do not know about it.But i can say we read quran in farz and sunnah also.i did not ever heard to some person to recite the holy quran is we can read quran in every is very grateful thing to read quran in salah.further detail u can ask some mufti,he can guide properly.inshalllah:)


Blessed Muslimah
:salam2:brother i do not know about it.But i can say we read quran in farz and sunnah also.i did not ever heard to some person to recite the holy quran is we can read quran in every is very grateful thing to read quran in salah.further detail u can ask some mufti,he can guide properly.inshalllah:)


I dont mean that i know we have to read quran but not while holding the mushaf (quran) in our prayer hope you understand now i think maybe i wasnt clear sorry ....i know reading in prayer is compulsory but i dont know what is the ruling while holding a quran in your hand and reading it from that???

hope someone can help me out and i am a sister by the way :hijabi:



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

The majority of scholars agree that reading out of the Mus'haf (the Qura'an) during prayer whether it's a fardh prayer or a naafil prayer is accepted and does not invalidate the salat...

So you can do that if you feel that it will help you recite new surahs..or maintain your memorization process..and so on :)

I tried to find a fatwa to back-up my information..and the *closest* thing I came to find was this:

With regard to those who object to that on the grounds that holding the Mus-haf and turning its pages constitute excessive movement, this is an invalid objection, because it is proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) led the people in prayer whilst he was holding Umaamah, his daughter’s daughter. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (494) and Muslim (543). Holding the Mus-haf whilst praying is not more serious than holding a small child whilst praying.

Here's the link for you to read the full fatwa..and inshallah it will be of benefit to you sister :)



New Member
Reading the Qur'an in Prayer...

Salaam brothers and Sisters,

I have seen a lot holding and reading the Qur'an in Sunnah Prayers, but not in FARDH, one of them is a Hafithul Qur'an. Even inside Masjidel Haraam in Makkah, you'll see people reading from the Qur'an in their Sunnah prayers. BTW, I live here in Jeddah, KSA.


Blessed Muslimah

Jaza kallahu khairan i thought it was wrong i did it a few times and it really helps and i try and practice it in my fardh prayers inshallah Thanks you both for you input Alhamdulilah May Allah reward you all and increase us all in knowledge and memory ameen :SMILY252:



New Member
Reading the Qur'an in Prayer...


Jaza kallahu khairan i thought it was wrong i did it a few times and it really helps and i try and practice it in my fardh prayers inshallah Thanks you both for you input Alhamdulilah May Allah reward you all and increase us all in knowledge and memory ameen :SMILY252:

I hope you won't make it a practice for all your prayers...We should try our best to memorize some, if not all,verses or surah from the Holy Qur'an and apply it to our daily life and read it by heart in our prayers. I think it is more rewardable to read by heart during prayers, be it Sunnah or Fardh, than holding the Qur'an & read from it...

May Allah make it easier for all of us to memorize and understand the Holy-Qur'an.