salaams...a request from a sister


make dua 4 ma finals

I hope this reaches in the best of health/imaan/hapinness...
I just want to ask you to make a dua for my dad who is sick and currently in a hospital...inshaAllah, with your dua,mine and the mercy of Allah SWT he shall gain his health. :tti_sister:Ask Allah to give him health if it's khair for him to stay alive if not ask Allah to take his life painlessly if that is khair for him.JazakaAllah khairan in advance:)



Walaikumu salam
I'm sorry to hear that sister
May Allah give your father the best of health
insha'Allah he will be in my Dua's


Junior Member
I ask Allah Ta3ala to ease his suffering, cure him if He wills and grant him extra years of happiness among his family.. Ameen.



Pearl of Islaam

May Allah Subhan we tela help to your father that he recovers soon,Ameen:tti_sister:.Inshalah he will be in my duas sister.

May Allah bless you



Travelling towards my grave.

Sister be strong and patient. InshaAllah everything will go well. I will surely keep your beloved father in my duas inshaAllah.

Advice your family also to be patient and strong as the result for that is nothing but Jannah.

May Allah grant your father a quick recovery.


-brother IbnAdam-


daughter of Adam
Allah give him Health

Asalam o alicom.
May Allah give him health and peacefull life.I only want to give u a suggestion that is to give (sadiqa)to him.ok:shymuslima1:


Junior Member

I hope this reaches in the best of health/imaan/hapinness...
I just want to ask you to make a dua for my dad who is sick and currently in a hospital...inshaAllah, with your dua,mine and the mercy of Allah SWT he shall gain his health. :tti_sister:Ask Allah to give him health if it's khair for him to stay alive if not ask Allah to take his life painlessly if that is khair for him.JazakaAllah khairan in advance:)


may allah swt heal ur father ,and recover his illness insha allah with his wide mercy, i will insha allah amke dou'a for ur father ,,


Junior Member

I hope this reaches in the best of health/imaan/hapinness...
I just want to ask you to make a dua for my dad who is sick and currently in a hospital...inshaAllah, with your dua,mine and the mercy of Allah SWT he shall gain his health. :tti_sister:Ask Allah to give him health if it's khair for him to stay alive if not ask Allah to take his life painlessly if that is khair for him.JazakaAllah khairan in advance:)


may Allah ease his pain be patient dear sister