should muslims be expected to assimilate with the west!?!


Junior Member
Qaat is a drug and is illegal. Muslims should not chew Qaat whether they are in Somalia or Minnesota.


I agree. Muslims need to respect the laws of whatever country they live in, as long as it doesn't go strongly against the religion. That being said, 99.9% of laws in all Western countries, excluding France and parts of Quebec, do not interfere with personal religious belief and personal practice when it comes to Islam.

By the way, my new motto this week has been "Friends don't let friends watch Fox News" :D


Junior Member
wow i didn't know fox news always do these kinds of news.
but anyways something I don't get is why the man is making it seem like the same people that don't want alcohol are the ones who are bringing in Jaat; I am sure the are actually opposites. well anyways muslim are not suppose to reject seeing eye dogs because they serve a purpose.