Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Assalamu ALaykum

this is only for SISTERS.

i have a blog with 2 other sisters (it`s in portuguese have only one post in english) and we made to many sisters the same question and put the aswers there, please sister give me yours 2

complete the sentence ( with a short aswer) together with your name (and one last name) and nacionality

wear hijab for me is...

"Wearing the hijab for me is...

A full submittion to Allah subhanahu wa taala. An identity of myself as a Muslimah and an abdullah (servant of Allah subhanahu wa taala). An i'zzah (the pride) of being a Muslim as I can never stop being thankful to Allah subhanahu wa taala for the guidance of iymann and Islam to me. To distinguish between the believers and non-believers. To protect myself from lustful desires of strangers. To let people know that I am a respected woman with dignity and faith in my heart therefore I expect people to respect me as a Muslimah.

And inshaAllahu ta'ala,with all my heart I hope to wear niqaab too someday along with always perfecting and correcting myself to become a better muslimah towards my journey to Yaum Akhirah aminn

Aisya Shamshun, malaysian :)


Junior Member

Wearing the Hijab:
Is an Obligation
Command from the only One Allah.
To please my Lord.
To be among those ALlah inshaAllah will reward.
Without my Hijab im necked and not protected from the Fitnah.
My Hijab Keep away all bad things.
My Hijab is my identification as a Muslimah.
My Hijab is my HIJAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love my HIJAB, what should i do without it ?. Alhamdulilah Allah gave us such Hikmah as the Hijab , All praise due to ALlah ..


Junior Member
hijaab for me is a sacrifice for the muslim umma.I am avoiding it as an individual.In short take the example of a cactus .Nobody can touch it, because it has spikes.Am the cactus and the spikes is my hijaab.

your sis in islam