Some Doctrines of The Bible which Harmonize with The Quran

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Hi brother Frank,

I have a question to ask regarding a friend of mine whom I have known for quite some time but he is of a Christian faith.

Well to tell you the truth, everytime when I tried to come up with the religion issues and tried to ask him what is it that he exactly believes, he seems uncomfortable with it. But I remembered he said that 'every Christian believes in trinity' but at another time he told me that 'God is One'. I asked whether he is a Catholic but he said that he is not and didnt tell me anything further.

Sorry if my question seems irrelevant. Thank you.


New Revert 2010
As Salamu Alayki, Sister Aisya Humaira, ana asif,

I didn't intentionally neglect your question. I didn't notice it. I think I can help explain a few things about your friend's responses.

First, I will share some of the history of The Christian beliefs.

In Christianity, there is primary two major divisions in the classical theology (study of God specifically) and more specifically Christology. One is a Trinitarianism and the other is what is known as Oneness.

Oneness Christianity can either hold the views that Christ is God or that Yeshua was a human who is The Messiah and fullfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament . In my understanding from extensive study, the last group also known as Arianism from the teachings of the early theologian Arius is closer to the Apostolic View (the views held by the Apostles of Christianity-there were thirteen including Judas' replacement).

Trinitarianism became the orthodox doctrine of Christianity around the time of Emperor Constantine. So as not to lose my very long post, I will post this and than continue. Also, so as not to use up bandwidth that could have been devoted to Islam, I will send a donation to in the next few weeks to help with the cost of spreading Islam while understanding Christianity better. It will be easiest if I type this up on a word document and than copy and past it here.

I promise I will have it posted this weekend Insha Allah.

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Thank you for your answers and your time. Its ok no worries on the answers. InshaAllaah I'll be able to wait if Allaah's will it.

However I hope you dont mind with my question. Reading through most of your posts, I can see that now you have quite an understanding on Islam. However, I'm still not sure if you have become a Muslim or not (sorry for the straight-to-the-point) question. I was curious and just wanted to know.

May God bless you and your family always and gives us an abundant of knowledge which will eventually make us closer to Him day by day ameen.


Junior Member
As Salamu Alayki, Hana,

There are a few groups that recognize the beard as being a sign of a believer. There are the Amish, Mennonites, and Hebraic Roots Group. Unfortunately, with the exception of The Jehovah Witnesses and Assembly of Yahweh ,most accept the idea of Jesus (SAW) as being God even though the Tanakh (Old Testament) has so many scriptures stating that Allah is The One and Only God to be worshipped. Deuteronomy 6:4 Deu 6:4 «إِسْمَعْ يَا إِسْرَائِيلُ: الرَّبُّ إِلهُنَا رَبٌّ وَاحِدٌ.
Deu 6:5 فَتُحِبُّ الرَّبَّ إِلهَكَ مِنْ كُلِّ قَلبِكَ وَمِنْ كُلِّ نَفْسِكَ وَمِنْ كُلِّ قُوَّتِكَ.

Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
Deu 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

Deu 6:4 שׁמע ישׂראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד׃
Deu 6:5 ואהבת את יהוה אלהיך בכל־לבבך ובכל־נפשׁך ובכל־מאדך׃

thats interesting to read such quotes in arabic but i think they are misinterpreted:

I have always found the trinitarian concepts vague and confusing. i have never been given a clear-cut answer as to the 3 in 1 concept. the above quote is mainly misinterpreted and believed to mean that yes God is One but that also he is three. furthermore nobody can explain how God can be God and son of god at the same time: your father is your father and you son is your son, they can not be both.

It would be hard to adhere to a religion that had ambigious concepts that one could not comprehend intellectually and be given an answer of 'have faith'.

alhamdulilah, in Islam, we are free from such uncertainties: for every question, there is an answer and not a mere 'have faith in it'.


New Revert 2010
As Salamu Alaykum,

I don't know what it is called, but I am really enjoying the "presence" of Allah through the study of Al Quran. Alhaduelah!

I hope to be able to concisely as possible explain some of the errors of Christianity which lead me to stop preaching, teaching, and pastoring in Christianity and begin to learn Islam.

In Christianity, each belief is called a doctrine. For those of you who are familiar with Anthropological Concepts, a doctrine is a Meme (a unit of belief which may be part of a Mega-Meme which could possibly be an entire political, economic, religious or social system).

The reason some Christians say that you must believe in the trinity to be a Christian is because during the reign of Constantine, Christianity had become the empires official religion. After much debate those who were considered by Constantine to be leaders in the Christian religion were given authority to decide what was an wasn't acceptable Christian Doctrines.

Which brings us to the two primary Theologies and Christologies of Christianity. Well, actually according to the most known proponent of Oneness Theology, the Theologian, David Bernard, from 150-258 three primary "schools" of Christianity developed along geographical lines: Asia Minor (Western Roman Empire) North Africa (where Latin was the primary language) and Alexandria, Egypt (a center for Hellenistic, Greek, Thought).

It is important to understand that the Christian Church was becoming not only a religious force but also a political influence.

During the time from 150-325 there are dozens of Theologians and Apologists who expounded interpretations of Christian Doctrine in Greek and Latin. Is it any wonder that there is so much disagreement, discord, and confusion about what is an is not authentic Christian beliefs. There are even groups such as The Nazarene Israelites who claim that all Christian Denominations teach doctrines that are contradictory to what Yeshua taught. And, my experience and study tells me that this is the case.

Eventually, The Roman Catholic Church became the authority on what was "Truth" and what was Heresy.

Around the time of Martin Luther, a protest against The Roman Catholic teachings which were in opposition to the same books of The Bible which they made Cannon. (which is where we have the start of Protestant Denominations) Each Protestant Denomination grew out of a division in a previous incarnation of "Christian Thought" based on a belief that the original group(s) failed to consider certain Scriptures. An excellent example of this is Oneness Pentecostals who believe that the only correct method of baptism is in accordance with Act 2:38: Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Act 8:16 (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.) Act 10:48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days. And, Act 19:5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

While previous Pentecostal Denominations held to the Trinitarian Formula for baptism by emersion found in Mat 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: (the phrase baptism by emersion is redundant since the word baptism means to submerse in water.

Of all the various denominations, The Christology held by The Jehovah Witness Organization founded by a man named Charles Taze Russell in the 19th Century comes closest to The Truth Revealed in Al Quran by Allah to The Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallem) through the angel Gabriel. However, it is not in total harmony and many teachings of The Jehovah Witness Organization miss the mark completely such as The Name of God being Jehovah when as Muslim know better than I there was know J in the Hebrew Language and consequently the assertion that the Hebrews were told to call Allah by the name Jehovah or that Yeshua's (PBUH) name was Jesus.

I hope this demonstrates to your friend just how much error exists in what goes by the name Christianity today and how even the Bible (due to translations, additions, subtractions, and rewording of translations) is very contradictory from one book to the next; and, consequently, has to rely on a practice which Itself condemns:

‏Rom*! ‬1:17*! ‬لأَنْ*! ‬فِيهِ*! ‬مُعْلَنٌ*! ‬بِرُّ*! ‬اللهِ*! ‬بِإِيمَانٍ*! ‬لإِيمَانٍ*! ‬كَمَا*! ‬هُوَ*! ‬مَكْتُوبٌ*!«‬أَمَّا*! ‬الْبَارُّ*! ‬فَبِالإِيمَانِ*! ‬يَحْيَا*!»‬.*!
‏Rom*! ‬1:18*! ‬لأَنَّ*! ‬غَضَبَ*! ‬اللهِ*! ‬مُعْلَنٌ*! ‬مِنَ*! ‬السَّمَاءِ*! ‬عَلَى*! ‬جَمِيعِ*! ‬فُجُورِ*! ‬النَّاسِ*! ‬وَإِثْمِهِمِ*! ‬الَّذِينَ*! ‬يَحْجِزُونَ*! ‬الْحَقَّ*! ‬بِالإِثْمِ.*!
‏Rom*! ‬1:19*! ‬إِذْ*! ‬مَعْرِفَةُ*! ‬اللهِ*! ‬ظَاهِرَةٌ*! ‬فِيهِمْ*! ‬لأَنَّ*! ‬اللهَ*! ‬أَظْهَرَهَا*! ‬لَهُمْ*!
‏Rom*! ‬1:20*! ‬لأَنَّ*! ‬مُنْذُ*! ‬خَلْقِ*! ‬الْعَالَمِ*! ‬تُرَى*! ‬أُمُورُهُ*! ‬غَيْرُ*! ‬الْمَنْظُورَةِ*! ‬وَقُدْرَتُهُ*! ‬السَّرْمَدِيَّةُ*! ‬وَلاَهُوتُهُ*! ‬مُدْرَكَةً*! ‬بِالْمَصْنُوعَاتِ*! ‬حَتَّى*! ‬إِنَّهُمْ*! ‬بِلاَ*! ‬عُذْرٍ.*!
‏Rom*! ‬1:21*! ‬لأَنَّهُمْ*! ‬لَمَّا*! ‬عَرَفُوا*! ‬اللهَ*! ‬لَمْ*! ‬يُمَجِّدُوهُ*! ‬أَوْ*! ‬يَشْكُرُوهُ*! ‬كَإِلَهٍ*! ‬بَلْ*! ‬حَمِقُوا*! ‬فِي*! ‬أَفْكَارِهِمْ*! ‬وَأَظْلَمَ*! ‬قَلْبُهُمُ*! ‬الْغَبِيُّ.*!
‏Rom*! ‬1:22*! ‬وَبَيْنَمَا*! ‬هُمْ*! ‬يَزْعُمُونَ*! ‬أَنَّهُمْ*! ‬حُكَمَاءُ*! ‬صَارُوا*! ‬جُهَلاَءَ*!
‏Rom*! ‬1:23*! ‬وَأَبْدَلُوا*! ‬مَجْدَ*! ‬اللهِ*! ‬الَّذِي*! ‬لاَ*! ‬يَفْنَى*! ‬بِشِبْهِ*! ‬صُورَةِ*! ‬الإِنْسَانِ*! ‬الَّذِي*! ‬يَفْنَى*! ‬وَالطُّيُورِ*! ‬وَالدَّوَابِّ*! ‬وَالزَّحَّافَاتِ.*!
‏Rom*! ‬1:24*! ‬لِذَلِكَ*! ‬أَسْلَمَهُمُ*! ‬اللهُ*! ‬أَيْضاً*! ‬فِي*! ‬شَهَوَاتِ*! ‬قُلُوبِهِمْ*! ‬إِلَى*! ‬النَّجَاسَةِ*! ‬لإِهَانَةِ*! ‬أَجْسَادِهِمْ*! ‬بَيْنَ*! ‬ذَوَاتِهِمِ.*!

‏Any one with an English Bible can look up the English translation or find it on the web


New Revert 2010
Thank you for your answers and your time. Its ok no worries on the answers. InshaAllaah I'll be able to wait if Allaah's will it.

However I hope you dont mind with my question. Reading through most of your posts, I can see that now you have quite an understanding on Islam. However, I'm still not sure if you have become a Muslim or not (sorry for the straight-to-the-point) question. I was curious and just wanted to know.

May God bless you and your family always and gives us an abundant of knowledge which will eventually make us closer to Him day by day ameen.
As Salamu 'Alayki, I understand what you are saying about my still be a bade in Islam who has an imperfect knowledge of Al Quran, The Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allahu 'alayhi was Sallem), and the practice of Islam as delivered by Gabriel. All I can say is: I hope to growth in knowledge and through the practice of Islam change from who I am into who Allah meant me to be, Insha Allah.

la illaha il Allah

I greatly shorten the answer that I had prepared as you stated in subsequent posts that you didn't require an understanding of error to know and share the truth, and I agree. However, I have found that by understanding the error of an individual's belief and showing why it is an error often opens up the mind of the most adament Christian.

Min Fad Lik, when ever I am off the mark or just plain wrong, tell me. Every Muslim and Muslimah is under obligation to dispell error with The Truth of Al Quran.


New Revert 2010
As Salamu Alayki,Hana, I completely agree that Christianity is very difficult to comprehend in light of the mistranslations, rewording of mistranslation, and contradictory doctrines expounded by proponents of Christianity based on the interpretation of "Bible Doctrine" by Irenaeus, Hippolytus, Clement of Alexandria Origen, Novatian Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius of Alexandria, Julius Africanus, Tertullian, Cyprian, Arnobius, all the way to Martin Luther and the founder of the various denominations. Aren't you glad that Allah delivered The Truth again in one language to The Prophet Muhammad(SAW) and that Al Quran is only Al Quran in the original Arabic?! :) Alhmadulillah


Assalamu alaikum brother Frank-H-Smith!

I have been reading your posts and I have to say I get knowledge from them. Just as a sister, I too am curious to know from you specifically

Are you a muslim?

I know you witnessed in your above post that "La Ilaha Illallah". I would like to know do you also witness that "Muhammad-ur-rasulullah" ?


New Revert 2010
Assalamu alaikum brother Frank-H-Smith!

I have been reading your posts and I have to say I get knowledge from them. Just as a sister, I too am curious to know from you specifically

Are you a muslim?

I know you witnessed in your above post that "La Ilaha Illallah". I would like to know do you also witness that "Muhammad-ur-rasulullah" ?
As Salamu 'Alayka, Bawar,

Yes, I testify to my belief that Allah is the One God and that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad (SAW) is Allah's Prophet and that I believe in the existence of Allah's Angels and fear only that I will be found wanting on Allah's Day of Judgement. Am I a muslim, Only Allah Knows. Do I sincere desire to be in submission to Allah; yes.

Shokran for your kind words. Alhamdulillah.


Assalaam walaikum,

Dearest brother your sincerity of words leaves no doubt of the depth of your faith. Yes, you are a Believer. May Allah subhana talla increase your conviction and reward you, as only He can. Never doubt. Pray with us that on the Hour of Rising we will, InshaAllah, be amongst those protected by His Shade; in the Presence of His Beloved, our Prophet, May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him.


New Revert 2010
Assalaam walaikum,

Dearest brother your sincerity of words leaves no doubt of the depth of your faith. Yes, you are a Believer. May Allah subhana talla increase your conviction and reward you, as only He can. Never doubt. Pray with us that on the Hour of Rising we will, InshaAllah, be amongst those protected by His Shade; in the Presence of His Beloved, our Prophet, May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him.
As Salamu 'Alayki, Shokran for your kind words and encouragement on The Path of Islam.


Assalamu alaikum brother!

Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) and thanks to Allah for guiding us to the truth.

May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant you the best of rewards and rise us all with the righteous on the day of ressurection.

You remind me of Yusuf Estes. He was a preacher to Christianity when he was a Christian and now he is a great Da'ee (one who invites people to Islam). I am optimistic that, inshallah, you will do a great service to your new found faith.

Alhamdulellahe Rabbil Alamin


Junior Member
As Salamu Alayki,Hana, I completely agree that Christianity is very difficult to comprehend in light of the mistranslations, rewording of mistranslation, and contradictory doctrines expounded by proponents of Christianity based on the interpretation of "Bible Doctrine" by Irenaeus, Hippolytus, Clement of Alexandria Origen, Novatian Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius of Alexandria, Julius Africanus, Tertullian, Cyprian, Arnobius, all the way to Martin Luther and the founder of the various denominations. Aren't you glad that Allah delivered The Truth again in one language to The Prophet Muhammad(SAW) and that Al Quran is only Al Quran in the original Arabic?! :) Alhmadulillah

yes, alhamdulilah and I could not have worded the above better myself. in addition Allah did say in the Quran that He will preserve it. thus the Quran is identical, word for word, letter for letter since the day of revelation and will never be tampered with. alhamdulilah for Islam.

alhamdulilah that you believe in the testimony of faith, as above. May Allah use you to serve Islam as He used you in Christianity. People like youself make great ambassadors to this faith.

waalaikum asalam


الفقير الى الله
As Salamu 'Alayka, Bawar,

Yes, I testify to my belief that Allah is the One God and that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad (SAW) is Allah's Prophet and that I believe in the existence of Allah's Angels and fear only that I will be found wanting on Allah's Day of Judgement. Am I a muslim, Only Allah Knows. Do I sincere desire to be in submission to Allah; yes.

Shokran for your kind words. Alhamdulillah.


Spoken like a true believer masha Allah! i am happy and proud to have someone as intelligent and knowledgable like you as a brother in islam, may Allah preserve you and guide your family, especially your wife to islam.

im sure you already knew this but im going to show you this beautiful hadith anyway :)

Muslim (121) narrated that ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: When Allaah put Islam in my heart, I came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: “Give me your right hand so that I may swear allegiance to you.” He held out his hand and I withdrew my hand. He said, “What is the matter, O ‘Amr?” I said, “I want to stipulate a condition.” He said, “What do you want to stipulate?” I said, “That I will be forgiven.” He said, “Do you not know that Islam destroys that which came before it?”

“Islam destroys that which came before it” means that it erases it and wipes it out. Stated by al-Nawawi in Sharh Muslim.

btw, why didnt you make a thread about your reverting to islam i'm sure many of the members here will glad to heart it.


New Revert 2010
As salumu 'Alayka, Setsun00, Shokran, I will do that if you think it would be of interest, Insha Allah. Also, thank you for the story.

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, (mashaAllaah it really feels wonderful to greet you with salam once I knew that you are our brother in Islam)

Thank you, Shukran kathiran for the reply to my previous posts and sorry for my late reply.

Yes its true that I dont have quite the understanding of my friend's real faith, however I think I need to learn more on how to do better da'wah not only to non-Muslims but also around the Muslims' circle.

Alhamdulillah for indeed now you have become our brother that share the same aqeedah and the same vision in life. InshaAllaah you will learn things so quickly with the Grace and Help from Allaah. InshaAllaah.

And indeed as for myself, I have lots of things to catch up too in matters of our deen so inshaAllaah we, as brothers and sisters in Islam will together, correct the falsehood and hold on firmly to the truth.

Ameen to all dua'as and I hope that your family found peace in Islam too, just like you did.

Barakallahu fikum.

Waa'alaykum mussalam wa rahmatullah.