Spiritual Bankrupcy- what to do?


Umm Zubayr
Assalam 'Aleikum waRahmatullaah,

Quick question:

What to do when you're spiritually bankrupt?



Junior Member
Assalam 'Aleikum waRahmatullaah,

Quick question:

What to do when you're spiritually bankrupt?


Walikum Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

read quran with understanding, pray(including sunnah,nafl)
We must take time to pause and reflect upon who we are, what the purpose of our life is and what life means to us. We must observe the life and bounties of life. We must observe death or at least reflect upon death that it is a turning point in the journey of that person who dies and the people around him or her. We must conquer our self-destroying self. We must examine our relationship with God and if it is disturbed, try to mend that relationship.

source:net & myself.


to Allah we belong

you can read Quran's translation

you can read few hadiths

you can be with good people

you can read about sahabas and other pious people

you can ponder over death, hereafter, paradise and hell.

you can ponder over todays people who are away frm Islam.

you can remember Him and thank Him for His blessings

sister herb

Official TTI Chef

You can understand as knowing kind of feelings are common - most of others too have similar feelings sometimes.



Umm Zubayr
Okay, so I know people go through different phases with regards to their spirituality. Some people may be more spiritual than others and I feel like all the tips that have been mentionned are more refering to 'low imaan' and how to increase it.

It seems as though you guys are putting imaan and spirituality on the same level whereas I see it as two things; that are yes: connected and interlinked but each should be dealt as a separate entiety.

So, how to enhance one's spirituality?


Junior Member
So, how to enhance one's spirituality?

Wa'alaykumasalaam wr wb.

Cut distractions out.. whatever it may be, t.v., films, (non-Islamic) friends/bad company etc. This recently kinda helped me.

I know my answers really short, apologies, it's just a short tip but it makes such a big difference and allows one to really focus.


Wa alaikumussalam sister

For me, spirituality is about connecting with my inner self, knowing its needs and making an effort to fulfill those needs.

My inner self wants to know the essence of my being and the purpose of everthing that surrounds me. It wants to know what is my ultimate destiny. The needs of my inner self are satisfaction, contentment and peace.

How do I find answers to all those questions? By engaging my thoughts in the creation of Allah almighty. By thinking about the presence of love and sacrifice among even the tiniest of animals and so forth.

How do I achieve that peace and satisfaction? It may be different for each inidividual. However, I would think that by putting a smile on a face that forgot how to smile, feeding a mouth that has gone without food and by extending an unconditional helping hand to those who need it.

And when the world is sleeping, I wake up. When everything is silent, my heart starts praising Allah with his beautiful names and remember that though how little I am and how Great He is, He likes to be my friend as He states:

And when My servants question thee concerning Me, then surely I am nigh. I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he crieth unto Me. So let them hear My call and let them trust in Me, in order that they may be led aright.

The result of that cry will be nothing else except what Allah says:

'Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest'


Umm Zubayr
Wa'aleikum salaam,

Excellent answer Bawar ! JazakAllaah khayran, your reply is thought-provoking and the examples you've given are highly pertaining.

And also, jazakiAllaah khayran to sister Almaas for your input.

Anyone else would like to add on ?


Assalaam walaikum,

Sometimes we need a moment of spiritual bankruptcy. It is a reality check. When we have good in life once in a while we forget how good it is. Our spirituality has its own flow. We have moments of doubt. We have to..we are humans. We get scared when we see food and money running out. Sometimes out of excess there is nothing that can feed the soul. We want some tangent proof. How many TV's. i-pods, g4 whatevers, cars,watches, vacations. Sometimes you get so bored you can not even sleep.
It is hopelessness and her sister helplessness.

As the others have said. Count your blessings. Be active. Pray for strenght. And surround yourself with Muslims as much as you can. Make zakat.

Sometimes a vessel needs to be emptied of its old contents so fresh water can be added. Sometimes we discard what is unnecessary in our lives so we can move forward on our journey on the path.


Umm Zubayr
Wa'aleiki salaam Aaapa,

I see you have remained as inspiring as you were =)
Hope your boys are doing well!


Assalaam walaikum,

Thanks for asking about the boys. They are getting bigger by the second. My oldest has decided the best way to stop me from nagging is to pick me up and deposit me another room.

Back on track: sloth. It is a horrible thing. Activity is the key to building faith.