Study in Saudia KAUST Scholarships


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
salaam alikom

I recieved this email from a friend in Saudi Arabia, its a new university

its new University called

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

Dear Student:

I am pleased to invite you to apply for the Discovery Scholarship, offered by the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is being built in Saudi Arabia as an international, graduate-level research university dedicated to inspiring a new age of scientific achievement in the Kingdom that will also benefit the region and the world. KAUST will be merit-based and is recruiting men and women from around the world.

About the Discovery Scholarship: The KAUST Discovery Scholarship is the general scholarship program of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. KAUST will offer this scholarship to talented students attending first-university or bachelor's degree programs in universities worldwide. For recipients of the Scholarship, KAUST will provide financial support to complete their undergraduate education at their home institutions. Upon graduation, these students will enter KAUST as master's degree students in September 2009 or 2010 to complete their graduate studies on a fully funded scholarship

Recipients of this prestigious KAUST scholarship will be pioneers in a new age of research in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They will embody the highest level of academic and leadership potential, and they will have a major impact on the future of science, engineering, and technology.

Details regarding eligibility and selection criteria are available at this link:

Once you have reviewed the online information, you may proceed to the application by clicking the ‘Apply Now’ button.

Application advisors can be reached at [email protected]. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. The deadline for submission is May 11, 2008.

Sincerely, Sulaiman Al-Shamekh

Director, KAUST Scholarships

A Kashmiri

Junior Member
If you are interested in knowing whether this offer is valid or just a spam - you can go to the official website of the ministry of education of Saudi Arabia. It is in english and in Arabic and you can check things on this website.

I hope this will be of some help.


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
salama alikom

Its not a spam because I got it from some one who know the manager of the university, beside the information above are posted on the site too

so you can check the site of the University.

Wa salaam alikom


A Brother
salaam alikom

I recieved this email from a friend in Saudi Arabia, its a new university

its new University called

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

Dear Student:

I am pleased to invite you to apply for the Discovery Scholarship, offered by the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is being built in Saudi Arabia as an international, graduate-level research university dedicated to inspiring a new age of scientific achievement in the Kingdom that will also benefit the region and the world. KAUST will be merit-based and is recruiting men and women from around the world.

About the Discovery Scholarship: The KAUST Discovery Scholarship is the general scholarship program of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. KAUST will offer this scholarship to talented students attending first-university or bachelor's degree programs in universities worldwide. For recipients of the Scholarship, KAUST will provide financial support to complete their undergraduate education at their home institutions. Upon graduation, these students will enter KAUST as master's degree students in September 2009 or 2010 to complete their graduate studies on a fully funded scholarship

Recipients of this prestigious KAUST scholarship will be pioneers in a new age of research in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They will embody the highest level of academic and leadership potential, and they will have a major impact on the future of science, engineering, and technology.

Details regarding eligibility and selection criteria are available at this link:

Once you have reviewed the online information, you may proceed to the application by clicking the ‘Apply Now’ button.

Application advisors can be reached at [email protected]. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. The deadline for submission is May 11, 2008.

Sincerely, Sulaiman Al-Shamekh

Director, KAUST Scholarships

If the co-domain of the email id from which you got email contains its authentic...but as far as my knowledge goes KAUST hasnt yet started its operation right? it will start in fall 2009.

I will also apply for it in Chem Eng...studying in KSA will be a boon. boon in the sense that I can offer namaz in Mecca/Medina mosques...I havent yet seen Mecca yet...IshAllah one day I will .

Will it be easy to get a job in saudi after graduating frm KAUST? I think in terms of job opportunities, US is the best and favourite option--Univs in Texas, Virginia & Indiana....states where there is a significant muslim population.


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
salaam alikom

Yes brother It hasnt started yet , but they are accepting the applications now so they can be ready by the time the university starts, you can go to thier web site and find the information about application there.

If they will be paying all you study it will be easier to find a job there too

wa salaam


New Member

has KAUST announced the results for the application for the discovery scholarship for this year?


Junior Member

I want to do islamic studies in medinah university or any other saudi university but need some financial support from university or through scholarship if anyone know please share

JazakhAllah khayr


New Member

I want to do islamic studies in medinah university or any other saudi university but need some financial support from university or through scholarship if anyone know please share

JazakhAllah khayr

If you are accepted into Medinah uni, they will sponsor everything. You just need to get in there. Memorize as much Qur'aan as possible, learn Arabic and fill in the forms. Being below 25 is also important if u want to study in Medina.


Junior Member

JAzakhAllah khayr bro....m only 23 so have chance .....can you give me some link or website where i can find more information


New Member
How do you start a scholarship fund? What is the process? Is there certain paperwork that has to be done? I want it to be a scholarship fund for my family. We would basically award those students in our family that are about to go to college.


Seek The Almighty
:salam2: brother,
I have heard about this from people, I have a few questions if you can answer them if you know please.
Would a sister need a mahram with her?
Would a person need to be fluent in Arabic (in terms of reading, writting and speaking)?

Staff member
:salam2: brother,
I have heard about this from people, I have a few questions if you can answer them if you know please.
Would a sister need a mahram with her?
Would a person need to be fluent in Arabic (in terms of reading, writting and speaking)?

:salam2: Sister,

KAUST is co-ed University an excepton to the Saudi rules and regulations:)astag:). No Mahram is needed. Arabic is also not needed. Just good academic grades.

I have interacted with their counsellor, and I;m saying based on that...Go their website there is lot of info about it...


Seek The Almighty
:salam2: Sister,

KAUST is co-ed University an excepton to the Saudi rules and regulations:)astag:). No Mahram is needed. Arabic is also not needed. Just good academic grades.

I have interacted with their counsellor, and I;m saying based on that...Go their website there is lot of info about it...

JazzakAllahu khair akhi.