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Sufism is Not from Islām & it is Harām to Follow it - Shaykh Sālih al-Fawzān



Junior Member

As clearly visible from my views that I am not a Sufi, nevertheless the subject I want to discuss is the Science of Tassawuff and not the modern day singing, dancing, chanting, whirling folks.

This is a video from Dr. Muhammad Musa Al-Shareef from Saudia on Tassawuff and the life of Junaid Al-Baghdadi (RA)




Junior Member

Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) on Tassawuff which is primarily the summary of the youtube video above:

يقول شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية ـ رحمه الله ـ : ( لفظ الفقر والتصوف قد أدخل فيها أمور يحبها الله ورسوله ، فتلك يؤمر بها ، وإن سميت فقرا أو تصوفا ؛ لأن الكتاب والسنة إذا دل على استحبابها لم يخرج عن ذلك بأن تسمى باسم آخر ، كما يدخل في ذلك أعمال القلوب ، كالتوبة والصبر ... وقد أدخل فيها أمور يكرهها الله ورسوله ؛ كما يدخل فيها بعضهم نوعا من الحلول والاتحاد ، وآخرون نوعا من الرهبانية المبتدعة في الإسلام ، وآخرون نوعا من المخالفة للشريعة ، إلى أمور ابتدعوها ، إلى أشياء أخر ، فهذه الأمور ينهى عنها بأي اسم سميت ، ... وقد يدخل فيها التقييد بلبسة معينة ، وعادة معينة ، في الأقوال والأفعال ، بحيث من خرج عن ذلك عد خارجا عن ذلك ، وليست من الأمور التي تعينت بالكتاب والسنة ، بل إما أن تكون مباحة ، وإما أن تكون ملازمتها مكروهة ، فهذا بدعة ينهى عنه ، وليس هذا من لوازم طريق الله وأوليائه ، فهذا وأمثاله من البدع والضلالات يوجد في المنتسبين إلى طريق الفقر ، كما يوجد في المنتسبين إلى العلم أنواع من البدع في الاعتقاد والكلام المخالف للكتاب والسنة ، والتقيد بألفاظ واصطلاحات لا أصل لها في الشريعة ، فقد وقع كثير من هذا في طريق هؤلاء .

والمؤمن الكيس يوافق كل قوم فيما وافقوا فيه الكتاب والسنة ، وأطاعوا الله ورسوله ، ولا يوافقهم فيما خالفوا فيه الكتاب والسنة أو عصوا فيه الله ورسوله ، ويقبل من كل طائفة ما جاء به الرسول ، .....،ومتى تحرى الإنسان الحق والعدل ، بعلم ومعرفة ، كان من أولياء الله المفلحين ، وحزبه الغالبين . ) انتهى . ( الفتاوى 11/280ـ29

“The words al-faqr and al-tasawwuf (i.e., Sufism) may include some things that are loved by Allaah and His Messenger, and these are things that are enjoined even if they are called faqr or tasawwuf, because the Qur’aan and Sunnah indicate that they are mustahabb and that is not altered if they called by other names. That also includes actions of the heart such as repentance and patience. And it may include things that are hated by Allaah and His Messenger, such as some kinds of belief in incarnation and pantheism, or monasticism that has been innovated in Islam, or things that go against sharee’ah and have been innovated, and so on. These things are forbidden no matter what names they are given… And it may include limiting oneself to a certain style of clothing or certain customs, ways of speaking and behaving, in such a way that anyone who goes beyond it is regarded as an outsider, although this is not something that has been stipulated in the Qur’aan or Sunnah; rather it may be something that is permissible or it may be something that is makrooh, and this is a bid’ah that is forbidden. This is not the way of the friends of Allaah (awliya’ Allaah); such things are innovations and misguidance that exists among those who claim to follow the Sufi path. Similarly, among those who claim to be servants of knowledge there are innovations that involve beliefs and words that go against the Qur’aan and Sunnah, using phrases and terminology that have no basis in sharee’ah. Many such things happen among those people.

The wise believer agrees with all people in that in which they are in accordance with the Qur’aan and Sunnah and obey Allaah and His Messenger, but he does not agree with that in which they go against the Qur’aan and Sunnah and disobey Allaah and His Messenger. He accepts from every group that which was taught by the Messenger… when a person seeks the truth and justice, based on knowledge, he is one of the successful friends of Allaah and His victorious party…(Al-Fataawa, 11/280-290)



Junior Member
Tasawwuf (Sufism) is a broad term. I know Sufis that follow Sharia. But there are a lot that don't. Sharia is exoteric(outer), Tasawwuf/Tazki is the esoteric(inner).
"Al-Ghazzali" writes that you have to learn Sharia first, and that there has to be a balance. That is my understanding of it.
However there are sufis that have a lot of strange/crazy ideas, some of these people aren't even Muslims.
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