Sweets and chocalate..Halaal or haraam? Please help me get the answer


Junior Member
Asalamwalaikum, Hope everyone is in good health and highest in imaan :)

I just really want to find out if skittles fruit is haraam or halaal..I can't find a suitable website showing me specifically what sweets and chocolates are haraam or halaal..So it would be nice if someone can give me a relevant website or the answer to the skittles being haraam or halaal.

JazakaAllah :)


Smile for Allah


Sis, skittles used to be haraam, because they contained gelatin. Now they're okay, they started off making packets which said "Contains no Gelatin" in big letters on the front a couple years ago, but I'm not sure if that little remark is still there. Either way, skittles are halal in the US, but you can check for your country.

The best bet is to always contact the company - they usually reply with a satisfactory answer.