video revert writes book on conversion and love of hijab & niqaab


New Member

Naima b Roberts is amazing!!!
I loved reading her book, i'd recommend it to every sister.


Asslamo alikom wa rahmato Allah wa barakato
sis libin can u send me any site where i can read her books
i looked for any of her books online but i cant find
jazaki Allahu khairan


Junior Member
Asalamu allaykum

sis libin can you tell us where we can find the bk i really want to buy and read. is there anyway we can find in the usa bkstores or any website that we can buy from it. jazakalah khayr for your recommendation.

wasalamu allaykum to all my bros and sisters for islalm.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
They also sell in Darussalam, Walthamstow, London.

Maa shaa Allaah, I'm enjoying this book! May Allaah reward the sis.


Junior Member

I gave my mum this book a few weeks ago!!!!

She is reading it, inshallah she will like it.

I loved it and we really need more of this from the ummah to give to the wider world!!




Junior Member
salam alaykum i could nt say it better i loved the part about the non muslim women who took her child to the mosque and one day the child read the story of abraham to her and it touched her and then she took sahada


Well-Known Member
Staff member
salam alaykum i could nt say it better i loved the part about the non muslim women who took her child to the mosque and one day the child read the story of abraham to her and it touched her and then she took sahada

Yeah I read past that part. What a way to come to the deen (through your child)! :mashallah: