want to wear hijab help


Junior Member
salam sister hana

i cant stop crying,,, i know im fightng shaytaan,,, thanku sister ur very sweet

aww sister I know EXACTLY how you feel. however, the fact that you pray 5 times means that you are better that the vast majority of Muslims who do not, so alhamdulilah for that.

as for feeling alone, that is also indicative of Allah loving you because Islam started as a strange and alien religion and will return as a strange religion, so 'touba' for the strangers... who are the strangers? they are those who practiced Islam when everyone was in heedlessness (i.e now) and 'touba' is a place reserved in paradise for these people who practiced Islam when others didnt.. like us inshaAllah.

Allah sends us these hardships so that we can turn to Him, so that we can become closer to Him. if we werent tested, most likely we would forget to ask Him, and beg of His Mercy. the more we are tested, the more Allah loves us :) its a win-win situation for us.

I hope you will be able to wear Hijab soon, you will experience and amazing feeling inside, knowing that you are doing it for the Pleasure of the Creator alone.


Junior Member
salam all

salam walakum brothers and sisters

jazakallah once more for all your kind words of encouragement,

i made dua and made the intention beofore allah to hurry to put on the hijjab and the correct islamic attire ( jilabia)

please continue ur duas for me so i have the strenght to fufill my oath to allah swt

thanks once more brothers and sisters :)


Junior Member
siS, iF OtherS CAn do IT.. SO CAN YOU!
dont care whaT Other people think..
what ur gonna do is for yourself and especially for Allah..
insha'Allah he wILL MAKE It EASIER FOR u..
so there's nO need To haVe seconD THoughts..
juST Do WhaT U THink iS RIGHT...


Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh ukhti,

I wish you in the best of health and imann always inshaAllaah.

Sister, I pray that may Allaah give you the strength and the courage that you are looking for to make a turning point in your life by wearing a hijab for the sake of Allaah and love for the deen. InshaAllaah.

Trust me, once you have done something that you know is just the right thing to do, you will feel the i'zzah (the pride - as in a good way) of doing something for the sake of Allaah. SubhanaAllaah! How good is that feeling! :)

Maybe its something strange at your place to wear hijab (depends on where you are living), but know that even if the whole world is against you, as long as you know that you are doing the right thing based on the true islamic teaching, Allaah will help you in every journey of your life. InshaAllaah. "Oh you who believe! If you help (in the cause of) Allaah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm." 47:7

Ask for Allaah to give you the strengths as only Allah is the source of strengths and helps.

InshaAllaah we will be waiting for the good news, ukhti!

Take care now. :SMILY259:

Waalaykummusalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.


Today i went to uni for the first time covering my hair ! Okay, it wasnt covering my neck, but i still felt like i was making a step forward to wearing hijab Alhamdulillah!
Before i went out i made asr, and that made me decided to start to cover yet again a bit more.
Back home i felt really good and happy for being strong enough, Alhamdulillah.

I hope i could encourage you sister with this, even though its just a step to that direction, inshAllah :)


Pearl of Islaam
Assalamu allaykum my dear sister

Just go ahead and put your trust in Allah, Inshallah everything will pass good for you. :):)

Once you wear hijaab, you will feel that you never want to take it off, because for Muslim women hijaab is great blessing of Allah, it shows our devolpment towerd Allah Almighty,and help us to pretect our beauty and show our modesty and shame. Pray to Allah to help you with your decission dear sister,and I am sure if you put your full trust in Allah everything will pass good for you. Just smile sister and say " I am doing it for love to Allah". :)

May Allah bless you and help you and help to all my other Muslim sisters too, to start wearing hijaabs . ameen,ameen



Pearl of Islaam
Today i went to uni for the first time covering my hair ! Okay, it wasnt covering my neck, but i still felt like i was making a step forward to wearing hijab Alhamdulillah!
Before i went out i made asr, and that made me decided to start to cover yet again a bit more.
Back home i felt really good and happy for being strong enough, Alhamdulillah.

I hope i could encourage you sister with this, even though its just a step to that direction, inshAllah :)


MashAllah dear sister!!! That is so great news.:):)

May Allah reword you and help you to wear hijaab:hijabi: soon.ameen.
