What can i write on Facebook's status?


New Member
Salam brothers and sisters

I know some of you are Facebook user so i need your advice.

i have many non muslim friends and i would like to write on my status for update in islamic word like quran verse, hadith or famous muslim's words so they can read it.

Hope you understand me...




Junior Member
I would suggest posting a thought provoking article in a note. Or post a link to an islamic website, say for example: www.islamreligion.com

The reason I'm against a status update is because you'd have to write something really short. On second thoughts, maybe a verse from the Quran would work too. So I guess it all comes down to what material you have.

I'm going to try to think of something specific and get back to you inshaa allah. May Allah help you inshaa allah and guide all the non-Muslims.


Here to help
salam alikom,

search for islamic groups on F.B. and check their statuses out. :)

just type islam into the FB search box

wa salam alikom


Junior Member
I always write a verse from the Qur'an or a hadith. Or I often just write a thought from my own head, something like "Today I give thanks to Allah s.w.t. for everything He has given me, for surely all things come from Him". My Christian contacts do similar stuff (and once when I posted a Hadith Qudsi - had to do it in 2 posts - one Christian contact replied that she "really liked" it).