What Did You Revert From?

Your beliefs before Islam

  • Atheism

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Agnosticism

    Votes: 3 5.4%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christianity

    Votes: 31 55.4%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Jainism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Sikhism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please state).

    Votes: 17 30.4%

  • Total voters

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Following my time of study. For 35 years I had nothing more than a simple belief that there is only one God. I belonged to no Church or Faith
Allahu akbar brother Wulf. So ever since youi were 25 right? Any non Muslim who beleives that there is one god and dies in that state will go to Jannah. If they learn about Islam then the majority of the outsider Muslims say the Shahada.

This brother is just like how you beleived brother.


Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Assalamu alaikum,

I converted from agnostic. If it is considered converting, because i more realized that there is a god, Allah. This after many things happend in my life and when i start questioning why people die, why i'm here.. Have a lot of friends who are muslims who asked me why i didn't believe. Then when i started study anatomy it all came to me. We can't be accidents and there must be a higher creater. So i started to read more about islam and from that i'm now a muslim. Still studying and learning, but now i'm a more happier person because i believe in Allah.
Mashallah sister I hope you will gain your ISlamic knowledge.


Junior Member

You guys will be shocked to hear what i am gonna tell you about myself. I am a revert from Islam.Yes, i was born in a household where all the people 'thought' they were muslims (and so does the rest of the country) but infact it was just the religion of their forefathers that they were following. A majority of people in my country commit shirk and they dont even know it, may Allah (swt) save us all from it.

My mum was the only person who prayed but still she had many wrong things incorporated into the deen (not deliberately but remember, "culture"). Anyway, when i was about 19 or 20 this friend of mine took me to a masjid for jumma prayer with him. I had been to the mosque for millions of times before and i would pray whenever i felt like but for the first time i felt like i was a muslim because the man on the pulpit was separating culture from the religion. From that day i believe that i knew what islam truly means. Alhamdulillah i was successful, only and only with the help of Allah (swt) to show the rest of my family where were heading. Now alhamdullillah we are muslims.


im not shock at all when i hear this.religion has become smthing least important or in sm cases embarrasing for muslims in my country. they call themselves muslims but they still go clubbing,promiscuoty etc so much that sm of them even convert to other religion( christianity of course so that they can continue sinning). i even heard sm muslims who complain to each other that they hate being muslims cos they cant do this or that and how they wish they were born from other religions. some of these "muslims" is when thye criticise other muslims for being too religious

and the worst of them all is pretending to be a muslim at broad daylight and a secular havoc at night time.

sometimes i think muslim converts make the better image of islam rather than the born muslims who ar ejust islam by name only


Slave of Rahman
i said ... Others ...cuz i am born muslim and was good muslim and stop for a while to pray and go with pleasur of life..and now i consider myself convert again hamdo lillah loll.

salah is the ploe of religion. i was muslim like u and no salah. now i am muslim. REAL MUSLİM. BECAUSE i am makeing salah and i am very hapy peaciful. :salah: ALHAMDULLİLLAH ALHAMDULLİLAH ALHAMDULLİLAH



Sister in Islam

But not actually a 'confirmed' Catholic. I was 14 when expected to confirm my religion and did not feel ready. My mum respected that...though having said that she is unaware that I am Muslim.....! Guess she will regret not forcing me.....not that it makes a jot of difference. I truly believe I was born to be a muslim (i know we all are..but u get what i mean!)


Junior Member
I never followed a religion. I believed in God, but never followed a religion. I went to church with my best friend when we were like 8 and to Sunday school, but that's it.

She's an Atheist now and i'm a Muslim. Go figure..lol


bnqɯnɥ 'ɥɐq


Even though I was confirmed under the Non-Denominational section of Christianity, I never truly believed that Jesus(pbuh) was Allah. I was forced to go to the classes by my great-Aunt and that was her dying wish.

I clicked agnostic because I never followed the doctrine of Christianity i.e. original sin, trinity...The list can go on.

Alhamdullilah I am now happy and I know that Islam is the straight path :)

:wasalam: \


Salafi Dawah is the best
well I was Christian before, but not really practising. Alhamdulillah I was never baptised, subanAllah!!!


Junior Member
In my case I'd have to say agnosticism.

Assalam alaikum brothers and sisters

I reverted from Christianity. I was brought up a Catholic but left it at an early age.I then became a Pentecostal but still felt like something was missing.I felt I wasn't in the right Church so I moved from one to another until I finally stopped.
I decided to stay on my own, practicing my Christianity at home until I was able to find out which Church was the right one.In my country there are so many Churches and the differences can be quite confusing.
Alhamdulillah, I found Islam though I wasn't looking for it.I never had any doubt in my mind about Christianity being the only way to eternity.So I only studied Islam so I could prove to a Muslim that the Bible was better than the Qur'an.
Then I read the Qur'an, you can guess what happened after that.

Nice poll.
Your brother in Islam.


Junior Member
well I was Christian before, but not really practising. Alhamdulillah I was never baptised, subanAllah!!!

If you have been baptised there is no importance, After you become Muslim all your past : baptism,confirmation,etc don't count anymore.


Junior Member
I was raised in the Church of Christ and baptized as a member of that denomination. Later I became an atheist for several years. I reverted a year ago.


Junior Member

I was Catholic, and I do not regard it as being the same as saying Christian (for instance, I never said I was Christian when asked my religion, I said Catholic).



Junior Member
salam aleykum
I converted from christianity protestantic.
Now Im muslim since soon 4 years allhamdulillah:)
Best decision ive ever done
my religion was europianism.

upss never heard about it?
its nothing new in asian country or in muslim country.

people just registerd as a muslim but in my case i didn´t had even a muslim name,not even knewthe meaning of kalima etc...

but alhamdulillah some muslim´s visit my house and they took me with them in mosque and day by day they gave some times for me and then alhamdulillah i recognized my personality.I am thinking some time that if those people were busy with bukhari and muslim and giving time only for be a scholar just for themselv where were i today!