What does this dream mean?? Death?? Other?

Sally A

Junior Member
Salamou alaykom brothers and sisters,
like my title indicate it I would like to know if someone knows a sheikh that can make dream tafseer, the real one. Because I always wonder about dreams that I have. This time is a bit diffrent. Latley my big sister dreamt thay I had a desiese and that I was between life and death, because of this sickness and at the end I died and she really cried, then when she woke up she had tears in her eyes. It's kind of thrilling. I'm always ready for death because you know death never knocks at your door it just come straight to you without warning and because each soul has its given day (I noticed latley alot of my family members died and they are from all ages allah yer7amhom) after hearing this I kind of story I really want to know the meaning.

May allah bless you :)


Islam is a way of life
Dreams cannot tell the future.

Be careful when you do "dream interpretation" and such because alot of people think that dreams can tell the future. This idea is akin to tarot cards and thus forbidden.

I also can tell you dreams are imaginative releases from our subconscious.

Sally A

Junior Member
Thank you for the little video ;)
.....btw because I was talking about sheikhs (very few) when you tell them your dreams sometimes they picture some part of the ayat of the quran and find a meaning to it. You probably heard about the earthquake in japan. Well a few moth or week before it happen a man dreamt about something that wasent really clear so he decided to go talk to a sheikh that makes tafsser and he sais that there will be some tragedie somewhere in asia...a few weeks later or so, it really happen...


Junior Member

That dream sounds scary. May Allaah keep you away from a scary ending...May Allaah keep us all away from that scary ending!! ameen.

You see how shayateen go up to the lowest heavens and steal information...they mix it in with 100 lies, that's if they survive the comets hurled to them! Maybe the shaytaan who survived and added that to the guy's dream.



Junior Member
Pardon me if i am wrong but i have heard that if the interpretation of a dream is made,the dream becomes true.

Sally A

Junior Member
Yes may allah keep us all from scary endings....ameen
and yes maybe its shaytan that is trying to scare me or something but in a way its useful to me because I always take the bright side of things.Even if that wasen't shaytan's intention, it brings me closer to god fearing that I may not wake up one day and I surely want to go to jannah like everyone else....inshaallah

ahsen: I don't know I never heard this before :)

Abu Talib

Feeling low
Assalamu`alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu

You should not relate bad dreams to others and according to the narration of Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him) bad dreams are from shaytaan

“A good dream is from Allah and the bad one from Satan. If any of you sees what he dislikes, he should spit on his left side three times and seek refuge from Allah against its evil then it will not hurt him.” [Sahîh Muslim]

“Dreams are three categories: the good one a glad tiding from Allah, a bad dream from Satan, and a normal dream which exposes what the person thinks. If you see what you dislike, get up and pray and do not mention it to others.” [Sahîh Muslim]

Sally A

Junior Member
Thank you all for your answers :)
may allah bless you and lead you to the straight path.....ameen :)


Junior Member
Yes may allah keep us all from scary endings....ameen
and yes maybe its shaytan that is trying to scare me or something but in a way its useful to me because I always take the bright side of things.Even if that wasen't shaytan's intention, it brings me closer to god fearing that I may not wake up one day and I surely want to go to jannah like everyone else....inshaallah

ahsen: I don't know I never heard this before :)

It's in surah yusuf i think.

May Allah forgive me if i am wrong.


I'm not what you believe
it's your sister who dreamt you were between life and death,and you died in that dream.maybe she trusted on you but her trust has been betrayed in someway,so she saw you were dieing.lost something dear in dreams may mean in reality the contrary.dieing for a desease may mean that something bad has abandoned you and you'll be better.
I was giving a personal interpretation,a'udhu billah,only Allah knows best:tti_sister:

Sally A

Junior Member
it's your sister who dreamt you were between life and death,and you died in that dream.maybe she trusted on you but her trust has been betrayed in someway,so she saw you were dieing.lost something dear in dreams may mean in reality the contrary.dieing for a desease may mean that something bad has abandoned you and you'll be better.
I was giving a personal interpretation,a'udhu billah,only Allah knows best:tti_sister:

Yes maybe it's something good..inshaallah
but I didin't get the parto of the trust, are you saying that I betrayed her trust or something? :).....If you are trying to say this.. no I didin't ;) but thanks anyways


I'm not what you believe
@Sally A
I didn't mean that it was you personally to betray the trust.this is a dream of your sister and maybe a fear of her is to be betrayed...but as I repeat,only God know the truth,I was just joking:hearts::wasalam:

Sally A

Junior Member
@Sally A
I didn't mean that it was you personally to betray the trust.this is a dream of your sister and maybe a fear of her is to be betrayed...but as I repeat,only God know the truth,I was just joking:hearts::wasalam:

Oh okay :D, but still thank you my sister xD :hearts:

And thanks for all of you :D