What should I do with my Haram food


New Member
lol, my mum made some Pasta with Chicken and Bacon, i give the bacon to our jack russells,we have 3. they love food :D

i assume your mother does not know you became muslim? call i can say abotu the bacon thing is i would eat rotton food before i eat pork or something that has pork grease in it. icky man. why would you post that.
are you trying to make people ILL?


Junior Member
i assume your mother does not know you became muslim? call i can say abotu the bacon thing is i would eat rotton food before i eat pork or something that has pork grease in it. icky man. why would you post that.
are you trying to make people ILL?

Relax. Don't make people feel bad about their posts, it makes people not want to post on this site.


Junior Member
I will second the suggestion to feed it to animals. Stray dogs and cats will be more than happy to take your haram meats and animal products off your hands, lol. The cats in my neighborhood love me because of this fact. I also feed them any leftovers that ahve gone bad rather than throw them in the trash. Afterall charity can apply to animals too!


Your Sister In Islam
But even though the gelatin is made out of bones of a cow, it still haram since the cow has not been slaughtered in the Islamic way, right?


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
I will second the suggestion to feed it to animals. Stray dogs and cats will be more than happy to take your haram meats and animal products off your hands, lol. The cats in my neighborhood love me because of this fact. I also feed them any leftovers that ahve gone bad rather than throw them in the trash. Afterall charity can apply to animals too!


Some of the Ulema have said that it is not permissible to feed animals with haraam meat either. I will try and find a link for it Insha'Allah.

Edit :pS read my next post


Junior Member
Asalamu alaikum

My mum went to shop and bought a pack of 6 yogurts. I read the ingrediants and found out it has gelatine in it. I am pretty sure gelatine comes from animals so im pretty sure its haram for muslims to consume.

So what do i do with it. Ive opened the pack so I cant return it.

I shouldnt give it to a disbeliver because thats like giving alcohol to a disbeliver if i had some which is wrong.

Can i just eat it and not buy it again.

I mean i can throw it away but is that permissable because thats like wasting food. Theres so many people starving and im just gonna chuck it in the bin. Doesnt feel right to me.

I am looking for an answer. Any Daleel would be excellent.

Walaikum Salam


I think you can give this food to an animal (for example a cat) , and never through it.


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

Some of the Ulema have said that it is not permissible to feed animals with haraam meat either. I will try and find a link for it Insha'Allah.

Okay.. I have not been able to find that ruling. But instead I found this :-

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about cans of cat food that contain pork – is it permissible to buy them and feed them to cats?

He replied: If that is by buying the cans then it is not permissible, because it is not permissible to pay for pork and buy it. But if he finds it thrown away and feeds it to his cat, there is nothing wrong with that. And Allaah knows best.

Liink : http://www.islamqa.com/en/ref/5231

Miss Aaliyah

Junior Member
I had my freezer full of chicken and other meat that my parents had bought me. But when I started to eat only halal meat a month ago I throwed it all in the garbage. That was one of my best feelings :D Don't feel bad from throwing away something that is haram, it should be a great feeling to do even if it's wasting or something you got. Just in case it will happen again then tell your mother about it.


Striving for Janatul firdous
I live in the US and I buy Dannon, it has kosher gelatin if its available in your country....