My name is Lucy. I'm looking for a good relationship with you. I have something very important to discuss with you, please contact me here, then I can tell you more about myself, reply me through my private mail box ( [email protected]
Assalaamu Alaykum akhi,
I hope you're in the best of health/imaan. If I remember correctly you were studying in Houston, Texas right? Just wanted to say that ur community has an AMAZING, well educated, motivated shaikh! Shaikh Waleed Basyouni! Masha'Allah, TabarakaAllah, he came to MN for Al-maghrib class (Torch Bearers--scholars of Islam). Amazing shaikh masha'Allah, loved him and his enthusiasm for rebuilding and reuniting the Muslim Ummah. You'll are lucky!
Assalam Alaykum brother,
Here is a quick request dear brother,
Please delete the thread [The Obligation of Reciting Al Faatihah] or do something, I mean me and brother hammy are in conflict with brother Thariq which is going nowhere apart from creating confusion to the readers,
ALLAH knows I am not arguing or writing anything out of Ego but the way he is replying made me to do so. Please delete it my dear brother
May Allah [swt] forgive us all.
Awaiting for ur response
Jazak Allahu Khair
Assalam Alaykum brother,
Would like you to know that I am unable to vote like on homepage we have A Brother and A Sister votes which I am unable to do, and it says some security token is missing, I wrote many a times to admin but nothing happened, kindly help me