what's it with the numbers?


Junior Member
every time I try to buy someting people allways say' watch the number.
I'm confuess about this with the numbers,pls help?


Numbers in Norway?

Asslamo Allaikum,

I am just guessing!

1) If you are in the Market in Norway then Numbers are likely to mean the VIKING-LOTTO i.e. Lottery where people buy tickets by selcting Numbers and then someone wins a big prize....You can see it everywhere in Norway and by Numbers people mean that watch which numbers have won or which numbers to buy (so can win)

2) If you are in the Business Sector then Numbers in Norway would mean Watching the stocks as they go up and down and which stocks to buy and which ones to sell i.e. OSLO BORS

3) If you are in the betting Sector then Numbers in Norway would mean to place a bet on a sporting competitions and teams e.g. there was a game between Norway and Moldova recently in Football & you could have placed a bet on Norway to win & made money....

Please note that Islamically 1 & 3 are HARAM (impermissable) while 2 is a very complicated activity and its HARAM or HALAL status will have to be dealt with on a case by case basis!


Junior Member
Salaam aleikum

We dont have only Viking-lotto here. We also have regular Lotto. lol.


Masha'Allah! Great News!

Asslamo Allaikum,

Mash'Allah Sister...This is indeed great news that you obviously don't play VIKING-LOTTO and don't gamble.

I thought I saw it in Oslo Sister, here is the full reference.!

Viking Lotto
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Viking Lotto is a unique Lotto game cooporation between the national lotteries in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Finland and Estonia. Viking Lotto started in 1995 and was the first of its kind in Europe.

Draws are held every Wednesday evening and takes place at Norsk Tipping in Hamar. Cost per combination is NOK 4 in Norway and similar cost in the other member countries. The first prize is common and is financed by a certain Euro amount for each compnation played. The lower prizes are national and locally decided. This arrangement is different from Euromillions where all prize categories are common.

The issue is to select 6 numbers which can be any integer from 1 to 48, called a combination. During the draw, 6 main and 2 additional numbers are drawn from the source of 48 numbers. The first prize is won with 6 correct numbers and the remaining prizes are decided on.

Have they closed it now? It was there 6 months ago?

Salaam aleikum

We dont have only Viking-lotto here. We also have regular Lotto. lol.


Junior Member
No no, I meant, its not the only one. We have Lotto on saturdays too, thats not viking...

Not that I care, but my kids love to see the drawing of the numbers, they guess the numbers. Then they ask me if I think my dad won, and I say no, i dont think so, and they continue playing... :D


Asslamo Allaikum Sister,

Here I was; happy in the knowledge that VIKING-LOTTO is no more!

Never mind; another day...

No no, I meant, its not the only one. We have Lotto on saturdays too, thats not viking...

Not that I care, but my kids love to see the drawing of the numbers, they guess the numbers. Then they ask me if I think my dad won, and I say no, i dont think so, and they continue playing... :D


Junior Member
could it be 'E' numbers

If its food stuffs it might be the additives given 'E' numbers like E110 etc.
Most are haram and made of disgusting things like cockroaches , etc .That's why they give them the fancy number so you never know what they are talking about.


Junior Member


That red stuff they use for red smarties is cochineal. But is it haraam, coz the prophet (saw) ate locusts which are gian grass hoppers? They are insects too??

Can someone verify this with quran and sunnah for me??
Are we allowed to eat squashed betel geuse?!!!!!!



Junior Member
Salaam aleikum

In Norway, the red colour is most often not made of the blood of lice, as it might be other places. Usually its made of carots or beets.

To the brother living in Norway, I would advice you/invite you to islam.no-forum, where we discuss such subjects often, and people have more updated lists often, than I do.

There is also a list of kosher food, for Norway, and that is also halal for us, apart from the wine or beer on the list. So that way we came to know that for instance all the jello from Tine is halal, because they dont use gelatine from animals in any of their products.


Junior Member
hei! mener du E-CODE?? du må være forsiktig .... fordi du kan kjøpe mat som har noe haram lol
Ja, jeg vet, men det handler jo om å sjekke pakkene, ringe til produsenter og finne ut selv.

Or, do like I do, I buy most my food from vegan-stores or vegetarian stores. Atleast candy for the kids, we never buy that from regular stores, unless we are sure its without pork, or whatever. The ones called "Godt og Blandet" is totally halal, atleast. And most of the chocklate in Norway. Just some has alcohol in it, then... In Twist-bags, there is alcohol in few of the pieces, and the ones without alcohol, did not go through the same machines.

umm hussain

Junior Member
E numbers are additives found in foods and some have an animal source e.g E471 can be derived from pig fat or vegetable fat so if something says E471 and doesnt say vegetarian you have to assume pig fat was used.

Which E-numbers and additives are from animal origin ?

In this document we list which E-numbers may be derived from animal origin. In many cases the origin of the product may be either from animal or non-animal sources. This is especially the case for those additives that contain fatty acids. These are normally of plant origin, but animal origin cannot be excluded. As the products are chemically identical, only the produces can give information on the exact origin.

Each religious (Muslim, Jew, Hindu or other) or other group (vegetarians, vegans) can use the list below to determine whether or not to accept the additive.


Hope this helps


Junior Member
Salaam aleikum

It does not help us much to read lists from UK, since its not necesarilly same in Norway... ;)