When you thought I was not praying for you....


Pearl of Islaam

Assalamu Allaykum Wa Raahmatullah Wa Baarkatuhu my dear sisters and brothers. I pray I find you all in Allahs blesings and His Mercy,and InshAllah you all were in good state of health and eman like I prayed you were.

Maybe many of you get worry and asked where am I, but Alhamdulillah I was well all this time. I want to thank you all my beloved and sweet sisters who send me so many messages and asked for me,and please forgive me if I made any of you worry for me,and also May Allah reword you both brothers and sisters for your kind messages and for asking about me. For Allah, I have not forget any of you,and you were all the time in my duas and in each of my prayers, You made me so happppppppy now after I saw all your messages,:):):SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252:. I am so thankfull to Allah Almighty for knowing so blessed hearts,and I LOVE YOU ALL FOR ALLAH SAKE!!!!

I think each of us need to use his/ her time on the best and the most usefull way, especaily to serve Islaam. All this time I was busy with my studies but also I was blessed from Allah for two very happy and good news for me.
I started memorasing Quran with Allahs Help and althugh I feel fear that I can not really memoriase the whole Quran but I belive that Love for Allah is the greatest and Inshallah with Allahs help and my effort I think I will be able to fullfill my dream only for Allah sake. So please pray for me dear sisters and brothers:tti_sister:
And Inshallah I would also like to share with you one more good news........ :) I got marriege propusal of one good Muslim brother and Inshallah I am thinking to accept it, so please pray that Allah help me to make the right decission.

May Allah still keep you in His blessings and reword you for everything.

Wa allaykum saalam wa raahmatullah wa Baarkatuuhu


Junior Member

Welcome back dear sister. It was a great pleasure and relief seeing your post. Alhamdulillah, you are fine. We have been missing you.



Junior Member
Aw sis!!!! I was wondering where you were. Like- somethingssss missing!!!!!!:lol:
I'm glad ur back. Now STAY!!!!:lol:


Junior Member

Alhamdulillah, we are happy with you. May Allah grant you istiqamat on your decision to memorize Quran. May you get the husband, who is the best match to you.



OntheWayOf ALLAH
wooow welcome back :D:DD:d and with greeeeat news :D masaAllah :D:D:D I really missed you and was checking your posts.. finally back :) congratulations ya sister :d and never forget to make salaat istikhara before your decision ;)

May Allah gives the best way for you dear sister :)


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Welcome back Ukhty- I pray that Allah makes you a Hafidha.
Masha'allah, A marriage proposal- and If you decide to marry, I'll pray that Allah SWT keeps your marriage strong insha'allah.

All the best sis, and Take care.


Slave of Allah (swt)
waliakum salam :)
welcome bck :) man thats great news :)

May Allah (swt) bless you with all the good things in this duniya and aakhira - ameen :)


New Member
the quran will be an intercessor for us on yoam al kiymat... the more we remember the better.

there is an app on the iphone called iquran. its very useful. i use it to memorise quran. you can listen to the recitation and read along in arabic, aswell as read the translation. you can also repeat ayats which is very useful when trying to do hifs


Junior Member
You are a key/gate for all that is good, loved and liked, and you are a lock for all that is disliked/evil. Glad tidings of marriage be with you.


Junior Member
OMG!!!!!!! ur getting married

well- a marrige PROPOSAL!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
THAT'S AWESOME SIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May Allah Bless you and make you happy! Ameen!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Can I come to your wedding if you get married :lol:

Just kidding sis!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

(it would be nice though!!!):D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D jk-jk:D:D:D:D:

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


Son of Aa'ishah(R.A)
Assalamualykum dear sister,

First of all WELCOME BACK To TTI,and then I congratulate you as you have started HIFZ,May Allah (subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) makes it easy for you to memorize Quran,and once you have completed it plz dont forget to remember this bro of yours,o yeah! plz mention my name ABRAR :)

And then I congratulate you for getting the marriage proposal,The most important thing is the boy shd be well mannered,decent and God fearing ,rest all is not d problem as these thngs are the actual thngs to spend a happy life.

And the most important thing is Allah is the best match maker,HE makes the best couple which man cant understand.

And i pray and wish that Allah tala give u the best out of this relationship,may u both prosper and be a source of success in this world and hereafter,Ameen.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!

OMA!!!!!!!!!!can't believe it's your post.:D:D:D:D:Dukhti it's great to see some news from you.:)i missed you soooo much:SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252:.mashallah you are doing something i got no words good enough to appreciate it with.:):):):)
may ALLAH provide you with the strenght and support for the completion of your HIFZ.
may ALLAH help you make the right decision about your marriage.ameen.don't forget to pray salah istikhara before making any decisions.:)all the best then sweet sister.

may ALLAH shower you with HIS blessings.ameen:tti_sister:


take care and keep me in your duas.:)



Pearl of Islaam

wa allaykum salam

Jazzak allah khair dear sisters and brothers and thank you all so much for your kind advices and your beautiful duas. Ameen Ya Allah!!! May Allah accept it and I wish for you the same and more.:):tti_sister:

May Allah be pleased with all of us and our Umaah. Ameen.

And InshAllah I wil keep you all in my duas.:SMILY252:

assalamu allaykum