Who Created the God ?


Junior Member

i really cant understand why athiests are the way they are , i mean how can they thing there is no god , dont they look at the world they are living in , which has so many amazing things , if we start looking at them we would surely thinking its not man made its really creation of god , like the mountains , rivers , seas many many more things that will make some realise that its from god ,

how can a humanbeing create such amazing creatures , like peolple who attribute some humanbeings to be god ??? really can humanbeing be so smart and so wise that he can create this wonderful universe , if we think that we are the most dumbest humanbeing , if we just look at ourself , i mean our body , how sophisticated it , how each body part functions the way it should be can it be that its been created by some humanbeing , .........................

Although his overall presentation was good,

he made an error on this ayah,

وَتَرَى الْجِبَالَ تَحْسَبُهَا جَامِدَةً وَهِيَ تَمُرُّ مَرَّ السَّحَابِ

he took out of context according to tafseer saadi and bayan alquran. that ayah was referring to the scene on the day of judgment, because of the waw it goes back to verb فَفَزِعَ .

wa Allah ya3lam,



Junior Member
I have argued with athiests a few times eventhough i shoudnt be with my limited knowledge, and there is 1 thing i learned about most of them: they will never give up whether or not you show him/her hardcore proof. But thanks for sharing.


Fatima S.Ar

Happiness = Islam
Athiests aren't usually looking for the truth , but Agnostics do . Athiests need scientific proofs that there is a God , Qur'an if full of scientific facts which can make them think well of a Creator for this universe .

For me , I look at athiesim as a " mental disease " , I really donno how can this huge universe created by nothing !! I wonder when the Christians say that this universe was without a God during 3 days , It's impossible ! so how about having No God all these millions years !

Al7amdulillah for the blessing of Islam

* Muslim da3eee: I liked the video , thanks