Women Dorming???


~*~I Love Islam~*~

i have a question regarding dorming to all brothers & sisters,
are muslim women allowed to dorm in college. It's an all girls dorm, they have a seperate dorm for men. I am asking about this because i might get a scholarship and i must dorm or else they will not give it to me. My parents can't pay for my college and i don't have a job yet. what should i do, is it allowed for muslim women in my case or not? what if i find a muslim roommate?

Jazakum Allahu Kheir

wassalamu alykum wa rahmatu allahi wa barakatohu


Junior Member
I belive so too. There is nothing wrong with living in an all-girls dormitory. I lived in a dorm during my college years. My university is sort of an Islamic school. It is managed mostly by Muslim Scholars and they built the dormitories so I don't think it is forbidden. :shymuslima1:


Junior Member
Living with other women isn't a problem, as long as you don't uncover anything but your hair, forearms, and calves. The only problem you might run into, as far as I know, is the shower facilities. Although most dorms I've been to have separate stalls, so if that's the case you should be fine.

If you do end up staying in the dorms, it might be nice to request a Muslim roomate just so there won't be any problems or misunderstandings or so that you won't end up getting placed with someone who hates Muslims, although I don't think that's something to worry about in the first place.

I wish the dorms at the university I'm going to weren't co-ed, but they got rid of the last single-sex dorm building a few years ago. I'll probably live at home anyway, but it'd be nice to have the option of staying in dorms.