Wudhu...a play


Junior Member
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah

This is a well known story which i have converted into a play (for children) ...enjoy

Introduce all characters, old man, Hasan & Hussain (grandchildren of the Prophet Mohammed s.a.w)

Old man: I need to pray namaaz, but first I need to do wudhu. (Take off socks and roll up sleeves). I’ll start off by washing my feet, now my face and behind my neck…

(Hasan and Hussain are close by, watching the whole scene).

Hasan: Listen Hussain! That old man is doing wudhu against the Sunnah of Rasulullah s.a.w. What shall we do? If we tell him, he will become angry as we are only children.
Hussain: Hmm…I know! I will sit next to him and do wudhu incorrectly, you take out my mistakes, that way he will also realise his mistakes inshallah.

(Hussain sits down next to the old man)

Hussain: Assalaamu Alaikum o sheikh. (Take off socks, roll up sleeves). Start washing feet…
Hasan: Hussain! What are you doing?!
Hussain: Wudhu - of course!
Hasan: O.k. but have you made your intention and prayed the dua?
Hussain: Uh…no. Umm... My intention of doing wudhu is so that I can please Allah, purify myself from sins and so that I can pray lots of Quran and namaaz. Oh Hasan, I have forgotten the dua we must pray before beginning wudhu. Could you tell me?
Hasan: Ok repeat after me. (Pray the dua)
(Hussain repeats the dua)
Hasan: Then the Prophet s.a.w washes both his hands.
Hussain: Oh, o.k. (Wash hands – Then behind the ears and nape...)
Hasan: Little brother, Thereafter you must do miswaak, gargle, clean your nose and wash your face.
Old man: Is that the way you saw your grandfather doing it?
Hasan: Yes, I did.
Hussain: Alright (Miswaak, gargle, clean nose and splash water all over your face)
Hasan: No no, you are wasting water. Cup some water into your hands and wash your face calmly.
Hussain: Alright, (Wash face properly) surely the feet come next Hasan.
Hasan: Nearly right! Before washing the feet, one must wash the arms, do masah of the whole head, ears and nape, Then the feet come last.
Hussain: (Nod head and do the remaining actions - When washing arms and feet emphasise to the crowd about including the elbows and ankles). Brother, please remind me of the dua we must pray after completing wudhu.
Hasan: (Pray the dua and let Hussain repeat). Mashallah, you have now completed wudhu according to the Sunnah shown by the Prophet s.a.w.
Hussain: Jazakallah for guiding me through my wudhu.
Old man: (Watches the scene and makes lots of facial expressions) son, will you watch me do my wudhu?
Hasan: Of course.
Old man: (Repeat full wudhu and say what you are doing step by step to the audience - Don’t forget to mention about washing each part 3 times). May Allah bless you and reward you for your good deeds child.
Inshallah, May Allah give us the opportunity to act upon what has been shown today.