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  • or i'm gonna continue writing on your visitors page until you answer. hmmm...1.........2..............3............4...............5.................6..............7..............8.............9.......10.............11.............12........13......14........15.........HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE YOU TO GET ONLINE????:) HMMMMMMM:)
    Assalamu Alaikum Sister,
    I'm sorry for being late for the reply. Actually i'm very busy these days. wish you and your family Ramadan Kareem.


    P.S: I might not be able to check the inbox regularly as i'm really busy these days.
    Assallamu allaykum beloved sis!!!!!
    Ramadhan mubarak!!!
    Ameen wa iyyakii sis:D
    subhanaAllah!! u put a smile to my face
    hope ur good inshaAllah
    and keep me in ur duas sis
    love you alot for Allah's sake
    take care
    As-salaamu'alaykum gawjus ;)

    how are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu? :D
    hope ur doing great inshaAllah

    pls make dua for me n my family :)
    was thinking bout our weird convo today heehhe made moi crack up sosososo mcuh lloOoooOoll :D:D oh and i miss ur old avatar haha! but this is nice too mashaAllah :D

    you take care hun and dont miss meee too much heheheh ;) joke joke :D
    x x x x x x x x

    love my beautiful sis sososososososososoosososososoososo much :D
    Wassalaam :D:D:D
    أكيد أعرف الموصل مين ما يعرفها :)
    أنا بجدة .. عروس البحر الأحمر

    تشرفت بمعرفتك يا عسل

    Jazakumullah khair sister for all the duaas that you made for me...May Allah accept them.. i wish the same duaa for you

    May Allah Bless you, Protect you and shower His MERCIES upon you..ameen..

    تسلمي على مشاعرك النبيلة أختي
    تتحدثين العربية ؟؟ من أي بلدٍ أنتِ ؟
    Asalamu Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu ukhti. Ramadan MUBARAK to you too!!!!!!! and jazakAllahu khayran for the beautiful card!!! and ameen to your duas! and may Allah swt make you among the pious, and among those whom he purifies and loves, and may HE swt make you among those who are ahlul jannah! ameen!
    a salam alykum wa rahmatu Allah taala wa barakatuhu sister,

    Ramadhan Mubarak to you and the family. May this month bring good health, Ima'an, serenity and Happiness to you and family.

    May Allah swt forgive our sins (Ameen).

    was salam alykum wa rahmatu Allah taala wa barakatuhu

    May Allah swt make it easy for us to reap the rewards in this blessed month. Ameen

    May Allah swt accept our duas and our sincere repentance. Ameen

    May Allah swt grant us the intercession of Ramadan on the Last day. Ameen

    Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family, Ukhti Kareema. :)
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