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  • but too bad, i gotta get ready for madarassa. ukhti, don't you have a cell number yet? so i can call you sometimes.
    wow ..jazakallah khair for the beautiful flowers dear sis
    they r just beautiful..i have never seen them before.....they r beautiful just like u.................
    my jaw dropped when i was looking at them...they r just beautifull..(i know i have said beautiful many times before:D:D::D:D:D:)
    oh ya i think u went to Indonesia..right sis?
    May ALLAH bless you an dyour family.May ALLAH make everything easy for you.May ALLAH grant you janat ul firdous.AMeen
    oh sis i so wish u lived near me......I would not be sad....like this...but ALLAH knows..I love you dear sisssssssssssssssssssssssss
    only ALLAH knows how much I love you...
    see you at Niagara falls:wink:
    still lovign uuuuuuuuuuuu
    take care my sweet sis
    u r my chocolate chip cookies...cuz i just love them:D:D:D
    Salaamalaikum respected sister,

    I hope you are in the best of Imaan and health Insha'Allah tallah.

    I really enjoy reading your posts and I like the effort and thought you put in writing them. I always have a lot of ideas which I am not able to express eloquently, but I feel like I have learnt a tad bit from your posts. The way you present your ideas and go about presenting them is really unique and something that I try to incorporate in some of my posts. Jazakallah Khayran for that sister. :)

    And yea, those *asterisks* are really work of genius on your part. :p

    May Allah swt make it easy for us to acquire knowledge about our wonderful deen and implement in our lives. And May Allah swt bless us with courage, knowledge and vigor to work for our wonderful deen. And May Allah swt always keep us in his protection and on the true guidance. Ameen Ameen Ameen.

    Keep smiling sister :).. Wasalaamalaikum waa rahmatullahi waa barakatahu
    lol...sister:D you are such a sweet heart!! makes me feel *special* :D:D:D:D:D
    amen tour dua, and I ask Allah the same for u:D:D:D:D:D:D
    Assalamu Alaikum sweetheart:D:D:D:D:D:D
    here is the name of the flower.....
    'plumeria rubra'......I didnt know lyk I said, brotherinIslam7 told me it's name,:D
    hehehe....but u can still call it Ubah LOL ;)
    love lottss dear:D

    The Cake of Friendship
    Preheat the oven of love
    With plenty of secrets and hugs

    Mix in giggles and laughs
    That make your sides split in half

    Bake with the love and care
    And all the things we both should share

    Decorate with the frosting of trust
    This is really a must

    Enjoy the cake do not eat it fast
    Just like our friendship make it last.

    I hope u don't think i am a wierdo:D:D:D..its okay if u do...u r not the first one to think that:D:D:D i was reading this and was thinking of u..so enjoy this cake sis..and i hope it lasts forever..cuz without u I will not able to move forward:hearts:
    take care my most dearest sis
    love u soooooooooooooooooo much
    LOL sister!!:D:D:D:D:D
    you are not that bad at descriptions.....LOL you're aight:D
    and mashaAllah it's cute :D BEAUTIFULLLLL!!!!:D
    and see I feel special...since you call it *ubah* SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTT!!!:D
    *thanks dearr love*
    lol....u envy for that??it's ok I can let u broowww it for a day..LOL
    u call me ANN, I call u Ubah.....switch name eehhh:D:D:D:D:D:D
    I feel lyk wanna smeell that freshhh florally floweeerr:D:D:D:D:D
    thanks for sahring.....and know that u r NOT a totall wierdo LOL
    I am glad u shared it:D:D:D:D:D:D
    Allah hafiz now n alwayss :D
    yourr Ann ;)

    ukhtii.. no smilies in you vm.... are you okii? :)
    hope you are inshaALlah .. me too im well Alhumdulillah :D:D:D:D << they should tell you everything lol :D

    hahahah yeh I beat you *big grin* :p You take too long to post msgs heheeh so i just post 'em sis.. inshaALlah you too are included in the reward! :)

    Ameen to your dua wa iyyaki sis! may Allah enter you and ALL your loved in in Jannatul Firdaws and make you form amongst the pious believers :D Ameen!

    Take care ukthii inshaALlah
    and be happy and keep smiling inshaALlah! :)

    Love you filLah
    x x x x

    wassalaam :D
    As Salaamu Alaikii, sister I have read a few off your responses in threads and I am impressed, I'd like to know if you are willing to share how did you obtain such knowledge, was it through university, home study, or friends, family and what suggestions you may have for anyone to learn and grasp knowledge in the manner in which you posse...inshallah.
    you are special sis...well to me...u r much more like a sis than a friend..so u r very special to me and a very important person in my life
    yes sis..things have improves..doing very welllllllllllll than before..and yes liek you said..every good thing is from ALLAH...
    I will PM you all the deatils when its 100 % improved inshallah
    oh sis don't worry abt it..u have done sooooooooooooooooo much for me..and I know u were goign through alot...so no worried sis...ofcourse sis i know..u didn't intend tht...u have been such a good supoort since this whole thing...
    I think of u moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:hearts:
    I love u sis toooooooooooooooooooooooo much
    and how is everything on ur side..I am so sorry sis..i am always bragging about my problems...i never ask u abt urs...:girl3:I am so sorry...I will try to be a better person inshallah....
    I will make tons of duas for u dear sis
    take care
    Part twoo :D
    o0h sister my name means flower......aaaam imagine alll the cute flowers and think of one u like...then call it Ubah,,,thats Somali :D:D:D:D:D:D
    mee to I LOVE to know the meanin of the names.....if u didnt tell me I wud probably ask u:D:D:D:D:D
    aaaaaaaaww sis, thats jst cute, they are nice to me tooo :D such sweeet heart:D
    aaaaaaaaww aaammmmm I guesss I neeeeeeeed to huggg u now :D
    u r jst soo sooo ssoooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttt:D
    ameeen to ur dua...and I LOVE U TOO sister ANN :D
    now I wont thiink of u as muslimah86 :D:D:D:D:D:DD:D
    yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy :D
    AlhaduliAllah I met u:D soo sweet hearrtt :D
    and yea.....did I already say I LOVE U....well I'll repeat agen,,,,,LOL
    take care
    Allah be with u alwayyss:D
    LOL dearest sister ANN :D
    I never imagined u in that avater LOL
    I amm soo soo happi u laughed!! AlhamduliAllah!!!:D
    aaaaaaaaww soo cute name......abt the hot temper issue....surri ukto but I found that fuunniiii!!!!LOL
    it's okkk.......u sound calm wen talkin :D which is goood......:D:D:D:D:D:D
    so dont worri u still have the qualities of ur sweet name :D
    SOOORRRY WNT OVER 1000 wordds!!! aaam *warning* I talk alott...pls do forgive me for that :D
    Asalam alaikum wr wb
    yay sis u r online........(jumping up and down) how r u doing?
    i think about u alottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.....how is everything
    i am doing GREATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT....like GREATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT..mashallah..thanks to u sis...i don;t know wht i would do without u...i am so happy i found u ...
    take care sis..........
    walikum salam wr wb
    Assalamu Alaikum sweeeet sister, lol.....I always remember u as Muslimah86...may I know ur name pls,,,, (puts on some innocent face)lol
    yea sister, u always of good help for me AlhamduliAllah!! I am more than happi to know u here, LOVE U LOADS!!!
    and inshaAllah u r always in my duasss,
    aaaww, so happi kno that :D:D:D
    yea maybe it's coz we interact here, lol
    yea Muslimah16 and ayesha_r.....man aint they the sweettessst!!!
    ameen to ur dua sister!!ameen,
    I always pray that we meet eachother!!! I LOVE U ALOT!!!! wallahi, soo vey much......:D:D:D:D:D:D
    you take care of ur sweet self sister,
    lots of LOVE,
    you sister Ubah..:D
    As-salaamu'alaykum cuteh!

    How are you my bemoved ukhtiiii? :D
    just thinking of you AGAIN loOoOoOll man! I love u so much sis :D MashaALlah! :D

    Im off to madrasa and i NEED your duaas ukhti so pls pray for me inshaALlah! :D

    Take care of yourself
    and urm Love u agen lol :D

    Wassalaam! :D
    Asslamu Alaikum:D
    u online?? Iam guesssing
    I jst wannted to say thank u for the reply....it really helps alot:D:D:D:D:D
    and I hope u r doing great, last tym u messeged me, u was goin throw trials from Allah swt....I hope and alwayss pray that things go well with u dear sis, as u r beloved to me:D
    may Allah bless u and grant u jannah......
    IDK y, but I ofen think abt u and sister shyhijabi....and some other sisters,,,,:D <3 maybe it's the LOVE...heheheh
    u take care:D
    LOVE, HUGGIESS, and Muuuaahhhhaaa
    Asalamu alaykum...it's been a long time since we talked. hope to talk to you soon inshAllah and please check your emails, yeah both. :) lol. waslamau alaykum.
    heheheheeh yeh i beat you alright.. the sooner you accpet it the betetr it will be for you :p heheheheheehehehh :D :D Nah sis, im kidding lol :D

    Aw mashaALlah ukhtii! The smae to you too! when im reading your msgs im like *grinnning* soOoOoOo harrrd lol :D like literally ! It cant get better than that haha! :D
    Aw i wish we lived close by too.. it would be SO much fun sis :D

    whereabouts do you live anyway..?
    big head LOL:D :D yeh true sis lol But Alhumdulillah its always FAB talking to you too ;)

    take care sweet sis
    wassalaam :D
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