Recent content by colleen.eha

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    Help New Revert

    SubhanAllah that many can convert with the miracles of the internet. HamduAllah that there are so many muslims willing to help them! HamduAllah - welcome. I myself am a new convert. May Allah grant you blessings. :)
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    Names of Prophets in English and Arabic

    Salam, May Allah reward you! This is SOOO HELPFUL! I've been trying to compile a list. My husband always tells me stories and some of them I know (I grew up on the bible) and I really REALLY appreciate this.
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    Subhan Allah for the internet and HamduAllah for all the information! Thanks very much, I'll look through these. Thanks everyone, from the bottom of my heart.
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    Salam all, So, I lost my job. I have to move to America and leave my husband. Probably for a year. I applied for a new job where I'm going to live in the States and I'm asking for prayers - it really means a lot to me! Also, my grandfather was just diagnosed with stomach cancer. They removed a...
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    posts by me

    salam, quick question: is there any way i can see the posts i've made? thanks
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    Thank you sister, I agree with Toya23. Well said. Salam, sister.
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    After Death

    Salam Alayquam and Hello all, I am curious about what happens to us after death. My father died a few years ago, and every once in a while, I feel that he is around. I think he sends me signals and love. Is this okay? I don't really know much about islamic beliefs other than what to do...
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    Do you Cook ?

    Salam everyone, I am a great cook (no bragging) and I love to do it!!! If anyone wants any pointers or recipies, let me know! I'm american, so I have a lot of american-type recipies, some tex-mex (as I love mexican food) and a few Tunisian recipies from my mother-in-law. good luck! :)
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    Really Shocking !!

    Salam Sister, I feel the same about these types of things. I always cry and worry when I see bad things happen. I feel especially bad for abused animals because they have feelings too. Remember, Allah (inshAllah) gives blessings for your pain. May Allah show us the true path. The...
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    Really Shocking !!

    I saw something like this happen - I was at a grocery store and a little boy knocked over his sister (they were playing I think). She started crying, and the father came up and yelled and smacked the little boy so hard he almost fell over himself. The man was embarrassed, but still made the...
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    it blew me off my feet

    Thank you all for opening my eyes! (I'm still new to Islam). Allah ta'ala!!!! I am fearful of the 'end of days'. I look for signs, I am afraid of hellfire! Is this a good thing?
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    Does love at first sight actually happen?

    What an interesting article! Thanks for sharing! SubhanAllah - all Allah's creatures help us understand ourselves better... :)
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    Assalam Alaikum brothers, sisters

    Welcome, Salam sister! If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me! :) I'm new to this site and to Islam, I'm also from the USA. I'd be more than happy to help you along your journey... HamduAllah for you seeing the straight path, may Allah guide you along it!
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    Allahu A'alam!!! Only Allah knows. :hearts: Subhan Allah - the more I read about the Qur'an, the more I am amazed!
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    Muslim smokers worse than cows: Malaysia cleric

    Smoking is horrible. As a convert, I gave up alcohol and pork. I was also a smoker, gave up that, too. Allah gave us the blessing of life - why make it shorter than it needs to be?