Help New Revert


Junior Member
Assalaamu Alaikum,

I have just read your initial post and I would so like to be involved! Marshallah it is a brilliant initiative and MUST be supported. I will have been a revert a year by the end of this month - alhamdulilla - but it can be quite lonely. As a revert, my family and a lot of my old friends, don't really understand where I'm coming from anymore and I have tried really hard for that not to happen. But it isn't just reverts - there is a distinct LACK of a support structure for young Muslims. I'm based in London and my husband and I struggle to find brothers and sisters who are practising that we can hang out with and learn from. We're both only 25 and need people our age to show us it is possible to be happy, cool, fit in and practise Islam. And I'm not just talking about praying etc...I'm talking about Islamic character. You learn by example and we need to work together to be that support network for brothers and sisters. A message on the forum is a good start marshallah - but something more needs to be done. It's saying 'Assalamu Alaikum' on the street when you walk past another brother / sister, it's starting conversations with those you sit next to as mosque, it's inviting those new acquintances to Islamic talks or offering to help them study. It's all about working from the grassroots up - make the change at home first and inshallah it will work its way out like a mexican wave! :)


Slave of Allah (swt)
sister, JazakAllah khair this brings me so much happiness, it woulld the biggest gift in life for me to help reverts and feel more comfortable in the muslim family, i know not all the people are supportive they are too busy with this duniya but i know there are good people :) and inshallah we will find them I am really waiting for some mod to reply but i think its time to get it going and inshallah everything will fall in place Inshallah :).

Thankyou so much sister Ayesha i will add you as friends so i can get guidance from you as we move along

aslam o alikum

Assalaamu Alaikum,

I have just read your initial post and I would so like to be involved! Marshallah it is a brilliant initiative and MUST be supported. I will have been a revert a year by the end of this month - alhamdulilla - but it can be quite lonely. As a revert, my family and a lot of my old friends, don't really understand where I'm coming from anymore and I have tried really hard for that not to happen. But it isn't just reverts - there is a distinct LACK of a support structure for young Muslims. I'm based in London and my husband and I struggle to find brothers and sisters who are practising that we can hang out with and learn from. We're both only 25 and need people our age to show us it is possible to be happy, cool, fit in and practise Islam. And I'm not just talking about praying etc...I'm talking about Islamic character. You learn by example and we need to work together to be that support network for brothers and sisters. A message on the forum is a good start marshallah - but something more needs to be done. It's saying 'Assalamu Alaikum' on the street when you walk past another brother / sister, it's starting conversations with those you sit next to as mosque, it's inviting those new acquintances to Islamic talks or offering to help them study. It's all about working from the grassroots up - make the change at home first and inshallah it will work its way out like a mexican wave! :)


Love Fishing
Prefer to dawah to non-muslims

Assalamualaikum to everyone.I myself is a revert from Malaysia.It is very nice to know that there are many people who want to help new muslims.But as a revert I think we also should do 'dawah' to those who don't know about islam.Since i live in Malaysia which cincist of multirace,it give me more chances to 'dawah' to non-muslim.I myself converted through skype.An american revert 'dawah' to me.
In everyday life,we tend to meet many non-muslims let it me face to face or online.Why not we approach any non-muslim online and 'dawah' to them.If i can convert to islam through internet,many can as well.I also found out that many new muslims converted through online,for example through chatting,through watching youtube videos about reverts as well as by reading Islamic websites.
Allah has mentioned clearly in surah Al-Ikhlas that we should tell others about islam.
i hv to go now.i will continue once am back.may Allah bless all of us


New Member
SubhanAllah that many can convert with the miracles of the internet. HamduAllah that there are so many muslims willing to help them!

HamduAllah - welcome.
I myself am a new convert.

May Allah grant you blessings.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Assalaamu Alaikum,

I have just read your initial post and I would so like to be involved! Marshallah it is a brilliant initiative and MUST be supported. I will have been a revert a year by the end of this month - alhamdulilla - but it can be quite lonely. As a revert, my family and a lot of my old friends, don't really understand where I'm coming from anymore and I have tried really hard for that not to happen. But it isn't just reverts - there is a distinct LACK of a support structure for young Muslims. I'm based in London and my husband and I struggle to find brothers and sisters who are practising that we can hang out with and learn from. We're both only 25 and need people our age to show us it is possible to be happy, cool, fit in and practise Islam. And I'm not just talking about praying etc...I'm talking about Islamic character. You learn by example and we need to work together to be that support network for brothers and sisters. A message on the forum is a good start marshallah - but something more needs to be done. It's saying 'Assalamu Alaikum' on the street when you walk past another brother / sister, it's starting conversations with those you sit next to as mosque, it's inviting those new acquintances to Islamic talks or offering to help them study. It's all about working from the grassroots up - make the change at home first and inshallah it will work its way out like a mexican wave! :)

As-salaamu `alaykum.

Sister, there are plenty of Muslims in London, West not being an exception... If you want, I can get some people to contact you, who live around that area...


Love Fishing
people become less Islamic towards Kiamat

Assalamuallikum to everyone....As a Muslim I suppose that all of us know the small signs before kiamat.The signs has been mentioned by our prophet pbuh.One of the sign is-Muslims don't give salam to each other unless they know each other.To be honest I myself less practicing it.i do give salam to strangers if i see them to be very islamic for example if they are wearing burqah or khimar.
I am from an islamic country whereby we can practice islam without any problem.We always have activity in the mosque or we ourselves arrange activities among our Muslim sisters. I don't know how it works in foreign countries but am sure that there are many Muslims in overseas.
My suggestion is that try to get some Muslim people and make your own activities such as:-reading quran,memorising quran,discussing fiqh and many more.You also can apply the Mentor method.Those who are very well educated with religious knowledge can have at least one revert or one non-Muslim in guiding them.For example 5 muslim born sisters can bring 5 reverts each of them and gather in one of the muslim sister's house and start the islam lesson.I am very sure it will be great and we will be always keeping in touch with Allah.Besides that this kind of gathering will also be accompany by Angles.Please let me know if you do have any other ideas.Salam mualikum.


Slave of Allah (swt)
Assalamuallikum to everyone....As a Muslim I suppose that all of us know the small signs before kiamat.The signs has been mentioned by our prophet pbuh.One of the sign is-Muslims don't give salam to each other unless they know each other.To be honest I myself less practicing it.i do give salam to strangers if i see them to be very islamic for example if they are wearing burqah or khimar.
I am from an islamic country whereby we can practice islam without any problem.We always have activity in the mosque or we ourselves arrange activities among our Muslim sisters. I don't know how it works in foreign countries but am sure that there are many Muslims in overseas.
My suggestion is that try to get some Muslim people and make your own activities such as:-reading quran,memorising quran,discussing fiqh and many more.You also can apply the Mentor method.Those who are very well educated with religious knowledge can have at least one revert or one non-Muslim in guiding them.For example 5 muslim born sisters can bring 5 reverts each of them and gather in one of the muslim sister's house and start the islam lesson.I am very sure it will be great and we will be always keeping in touch with Allah.Besides that this kind of gathering will also be accompany by Angles.Please let me know if you do have any other ideas.Salam mualikum.

thank you JazakAllah these are great advice and inshallah if this project continues we should be able to do something like this Inshallah :)
thank you for your great sugguestion , may Allah (swt) bless you with his mercy and love - ameen


Junior Member

mashaAllah brother...this is such a bright idea...:) :)

may allah swt reward you immensely for your efforts....amiin
keep up the good work.. :SMILY346:



Junior Member
Assalamuallikum to everyone....As a Muslim I suppose that all of us know the small signs before kiamat.The signs has been mentioned by our prophet pbuh.One of the sign is-Muslims don't give salam to each other unless they know each other.To be honest I myself less practicing it.i do give salam to strangers if i see them to be very islamic for example if they are wearing burqah or khimar.
I am from an islamic country whereby we can practice islam without any problem.We always have activity in the mosque or we ourselves arrange activities among our Muslim sisters. I don't know how it works in foreign countries but am sure that there are many Muslims in overseas.
My suggestion is that try to get some Muslim people and make your own activities such as:-reading quran,memorising quran,discussing fiqh and many more.You also can apply the Mentor method.Those who are very well educated with religious knowledge can have at least one revert or one non-Muslim in guiding them.For example 5 muslim born sisters can bring 5 reverts each of them and gather in one of the muslim sister's house and start the islam lesson.I am very sure it will be great and we will be always keeping in touch with Allah.Besides that this kind of gathering will also be accompany by Angles.Please let me know if you do have any other ideas.Salam mualikum.

That is brilliant advice - marshallah :) I especially like the mentor method but am struggling to find such mentors. Do you have any advice for starting up such a group and finding these people to guide us? The mentors need to be knowledgeable and trustworthy (obviously) and it is hard to know how to find such people. Any advice gratefully received. Wasalaam, Ayesha