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  • lol i thought you are not using tti any nore hahaha acha filhal iam lil busy inshallah jaldi tum se baat hogi long long time c ya soon mwah *hugs*
    Wa Alaikom assalam honeyyyy
    al7amdulillah i'm fine , how about you ? and how is the vacation with you ?
    Salam alykum i was on vacation lol :D actually i was in pak then we had a problem to go back iran border was closed so we were in my moms cousins house but i enjoyed the monsoon i loved the rain yaha dubai may badaal k lyea taras the hain or iran may b bohot garmi hai i loved karachi itni shopping ki mei ne i guess pore Dsaal k lyea kafi hai lol :D
    Hehehe, my memory works fine, Thank ya very much!:D

    K, hold up. Be there in a min behnaa:D
    I don't think you've got ur Glasses on, becoz I added yu tht same day:D:D

    Lol, Fine man, I'll Pm it to yu then.
    Why would yu think that dude? Yu shud kno mw better:D...I don't even kno how to ignore people:D:D i WAS jst hoping I'd catch yu on Msn....and I haven't seen yu come online, so I just thought yu were busy attacking Icecreams:D:D

    hOW'S yu doing tho, behna?
    have fun in lahore then:)and i'm felling pity for your cuzn again lol.i'm fine alhumdulillah.

    and good at the did start somthing.complete it inshallah:)

    :wasalam:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
    lol what was that .... for??

    yeah did.by pic watching lol.

    i kno one gets bored:)why don't you start something useful.ramadhan is coming have you prepared something different this year:)use your time for virtues rather then searching shugal zones which you may never find.
    before it slips my mind i should repy to you:)

    hibba is my sister and i'm myself so yeh we may have similarities^_^!

    oooh yeah when my paps brings it for me it is always smaller then i amount i can eat lolzz!!nah i had to share with all lol.
    abey!very bad now i want a pizza:p!hehe chalak you kno how to make my stomach rumblegrumblemumble!!lolzz.oh i see things are being shared with me too.jazakallah khairan.

    behna didn't i tell you.you'll miss them when you guys are away from each other.nevermind goto them again:D!afterall you are farigh right??
    abey oyaa meray pass thu time nahi likan aap kay pass bohoooooooooot hay:p!!!

    nahi laga bura behna.i just didn't realise i haven't replied that's all:)
    this was supposed to be the reply:

    yes hibba thought i am very masoom lolzz.she said that when she was successful enough to push me into a 30 min chat lol.

    no i didn't wait for your ice cream i ate my own 1 litre lol.(but i waited for you wm long enough,i thought you were naraz lol)...

    abey aap kay cuzn hain na issi lia aap ka rang char gia hay lol!!they missing you or you missing them??
    yep bijli remember??fastest speed is the speed of light lol.hope you told her!main nay aap ko electricity samag rakha hai lolzzz!!:p

    hahaha !!bachoo bus ALLAH say panah maongo.behtar ho ga lol!!!

    yeah cya too:)!!don't naraz okay,otherwise i'll call you sarooo:p!!
    :salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu....

    abey yaar!!chotiyoo honeslty i don't know what happened.trust me behna i didn't do this on purpose i thought i had replied to your VM.yaar i'm so really very sorry,honestly behna i'm not naraz and no,i'm not annoyed.yaar app karo jitna marzi tang karna hai:)i like a couple of laughs too!!
    As-salamu 'Aleykum, Sweet Behnaa:D:D

    Hope yu've been well, staying outta trouble lately:)

    Oh man, I thought I replyed back to yu a loooong time ago:) sowieee sissy! I got the email, I havent been on msn for a while now...but amma see ya there soon insha'allah!:D but where's mum's Numba? am still waiting for tht:D:D

    tAKE cAREeee BeAuTiFuL!!
    may b...hibba thought i was.and that had me with an open mouth for sometime...but well,happens!!
    lol i said i'll buy my own besides who need billions for buyin one ice cream lol.yeah that will have me sick for days lol i want some cool not sick!!

    sure go easy on them sis.i mean knowing you,you won't let them have a peace of mind so yeah have some mercy on them.

    no problem,when they go missing they'll be at peace.hehehe
    yaar i would hve but she just send me an vm saying t's hard for her to come around so i thought i'd get a faster way of communication in use,namely sis fatima!

    hey!!!not kanjoss just tryna be a good person who follow good advices.you are going to spoil me rotten sis!!

    now what no emotes at ALL!!!
    lol whatever,i still stay by it.

    anywayz that's not what i put on myself i said i was an innocent bachi and i was told i was no longer lol.what can i say to that.
    sobahnallah!!of all the peaople you money went vanishy vanishy when it was my turn.that won't do.hehehehehe okay then i don't want hot creamy soup lol i'd just go get some myself tonight inshallah...
    pay her my salamz

    and go easy on your cuzns.poor ppl.i pity them stuck with you :p!!hey nvermind sis you'll misss them whem you are back home.so enjoy!!

    me tellozzzz what..

    err sister do me a favour tell sis shazia FB isn't much of a choice but i'll see what i can do about keeping up with her and that i miss her:)
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