Recent content by Joshua26

  1. J

    turks attacked in syria

    Syrian military opening fire at Turkish civillians is a very serious incident. I hope the two states can resolve their differences without any increase in violence.
  2. J

    [Must Watch] Tearjerker Alert!

    Very inspiring man, thank you for sharing.
  3. J

    Christian Protestors Throw crosses at Feet of Muslim Man Praying by White House

    How could these cowards think Jesus would want them to bully an old man while he was praying? :frown: He showed real courage and dedication to not let them interupt his prayers. :)
  4. J

    What are you currently reading?

    I am reading 'Islam: The Misunderstood Religion' by Muhammad Qutb, very informative book. And I'm also reading the Qur'an of course. :)
  5. J

    one happy ending in palestine

    Really amazing how he and his wife kept their love strong for 33 years just through letters and finally could get married. :subhanallah:
  6. J

    Bashar Assad Vows To Fight And Die For Syria

    What about the 25 million Muslims who live in Europe, 2.6 million in United States and 1 million Canadian Muslims? How could any Muslim wish the destruction of 27 million Muslims, let alone the hundreds of millions of non-Muslim civillians?
  7. J

    Do Muslims believe in evolution?

    Hello everyone, I had a question about evolution in Islam. When I was studying the Qur'an a while back, I saw the following passage: "Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water...
  8. J

    Hello all!

    Salam, I am a 19 year old student from England, studying 'International relations and global development'. I grew up with an irreligious family although I've always been very interested in religion and have studied a number of religions but have always been attracted strongly to Islam. I have...