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  • "Assalamu alaykum

    Sister, can you please delete my post on "Getting Married" thread...the one where I say my name..?? Pleaseeee


    You sed that on sister hajars profile. Why dont u do it urself? :S
    firtly i think you're wrong........coz.......

    I LOVE YOU MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE and MORE THEN all these MORES combined....heheheh:hearts:

    lizzie???it's the lizard that lives in my room.:lol:she doesn't trust me either runs like hell everytime it ry to cath it........she thinkd i'll hurt her....:(
    good dto know your days are bright and that you are fine and happy:):):):)means alot to me to see you online icon green:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    btw who's talking about what:confused:
    WHOA!!!:pis that really you:D:D:Dfeels so good to see your reply.......:lol:you sure !!!coz sme ppl around me now think they know me better then i know myself..they tell me i'm a guy.......and they quit on me:(.....

    well things are goody doos alhumdulillah....i was here at home:p,up in my room:p,under a pile of books:p,with only lizzie to keep me company:D:D:D....i was such a nasty feeling,sleeping at night with the knowlegde that hibba ,you and fatima didn't get an irritation dose from me:p.heheheh:D:D:D.............kidding sisi....been missing you all very mush!!!
    so is TTI brighty now ..........oh i know you mean it's even miore gloomy now:D:D:D

    wel sisi i love you more:hearts:
    i don't think i really no the sis you lost on this profile...i mean i am javaria but i'm no where near sweet and kind.hope ALLAH will bless you with a sister like that:)
    awwww my sister that is sooooooooo sweet of you i'm sosos sorry i wasn't here to be able to
    reply back to you....guess you don't deserve real pain in the neck like me:(really vealy cholly....
    btw yeah i'm pathan too...zama khoray;)
    salam sister thanks for the invite, took me a while to accept because im a lil blonde and i didnt know how to lol,

    virtual kisses *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!x
    oh it's ok don't say sorry shayma:)
    oh i forgot today is ur holiday lol:) enjoy ur holiday:)
    u know uhdar raat ho rahi hai:lol: n yahan saturday finish ho raha hai:lol:

    take care
    oh ok don't be sad dear:) behna agar possible hai tuo ah jahoo warna don't be sad inshAllah phir baat kar lehin gay

    take care alot
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