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  • Asalamalikum ghandi bachey:p

    how r u????????lol long time msn per b baat nahi hoi na:( misssssss u alot

    take care alot

    Sister Muslim gurl, I thank you for adding me. It is difficult finding good friends and i have you sisters to guide me and help me out. I feel blessed. May Allah shower blessings on you and your loved ones... Assalam Alaikum. :hearts:
    aww luv ya too :lol: srry fr late reply:( bt dun visit my profle often :D naw u neva hurt me chillz :D :lol:
    hws everythin on ur side? and ur health sis? take care ov urself! :D:D:D
    ur sis
    Awwwww thnx sis!!!!!! it's the "Book reccomendations" one lol:D
    how r u sis????
    lol- i wont next time- i promise!!!!! :hearts:
    Assalamu alaykum my dear sister!Juma mubarak May Allah bless your day Ameen!

    Your sister

    My salams to you...

    awwwwww!!!!!! sis lol-:hearts:
    no- i wasnt leaving tti FOREVER lol- just 4 a bit cuz i was a little busy:lol:


    but lol- i'd been expecting more replys to my threads:D
    I don't suggest that you come online much either, coz i know how it feel to have a lot of homework. Homework, No Good! but if we have to do it, wei'll do it. Yeah! Now i'll go offline ukhti. take care and enjoy life, try at least:D and Love you ukhti:hearts:
    Yeah you do look nice on green too. I wonder why we are green anyway? I guess things switch around. Lol! Oh well, it's Ok if you don't use it too much. Do you come online though? and if you don't it's cool.:D
    Asalamu alaykum
    yeah! That's why people like you ukhtu. Becasue you go to their pages and make them happy by telling them something nice, giving them salams and you make people laugh and smile. Subhana Allah! we like love you ukhti. May Allah bless you amiin and take care sweeti:hearts: Be happy always. Love you forever:hearts: Also ukhti, can you give me your msn. you can send as a pm. Shukran!
    hummm it's ok so u can't on msn now:( it's ok sis:D inshAllah we will talk soon if possible

    take care


    lol no not late sister:) u do ur homework..........actually now u r online on tti so i thought u did homework:D lol no pro sister u do it:) i will wait for u;)
    really thx for dua sister:D:D yup it got accepted Alhumdillah:)

    yes i m online on msn may be late night:D becoz today i m feeling better Alhumdillah n also today is Wednesday:D n tomorrow is holiday:D.............sis yes thats good ...first u finish ur homework n than come on msn inshAllah i will wait for u:D
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