Salam Aleikum SISTER
how are doing, i hope this find you in the best health and EMAN allahoma Ameen
i like to cresent and the star you have using as avatar, it is the true cresent and star for MUSLIMS all
jazaki ALLAH kul khair, wasalam
noo i never i jst wanted to no what you ment dear brother some people can be funny as mean it in a nasty way so i just checked please dont take offence
If you are thinking of "healthier way" in a negative sense. Then first i would like to say GET RID OF IT FROM YOUR MIND ..THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT........
Ukti...i have used "healthier" in a positive way. Healthier mean you should keep on doing your hard work in future the same way you are doing right now. You should make it a lively forum BY Participate the best you can.