womans only jihad


Junior Member
This is very unfortunate, such practise happening mainly in the Indian and Pakistan communities ( of course, not all of them are like that but mostly).

This is a direct result of Taqleed (blind following) of a certain school of thought despite very clear proofs that Women are Allowed to pray in Mosques.

Had people been more open minded and practised Islaam according to the salaf as saliheen this wouldnt happen.

If those people in authority remain ignorant of the various ahadeeth available, then it is a sin.

If you havent read about taqleed before, then check this link:What is Taqleed, and also links to more resources on that website
:salam2: No place in the Quran or Sunnah it is written that woman cant enter the masjid and pray there. Yes If there is no place for men to pray then as a woman i would go home and pray or wait till the prayer is over so that when there is room i can pray .cause i wont be punished by Allah for it but men would be. But i feel Most of the men fighting in the london masjid were from inadian and pakistani origin . And it is a fact that in masjid in India and Pakistan women are not allowed. I feel so bad that women would have to go throught all this cause that is not Islam.


Staff member

yeah i know that hadith bro, but theres more to a womans jihad than that! its not only hajj!


oh and about the vid ^ well i think there are more pressing matters than this facing the ummah, ok women should be allowed in definitely but thats not the main issue of the day i think. (besides its dispatches!)


New Member
Staff member

i found this video on google i just would like to know wot you think of it, it a programme called Dispaches[womans only jihad]

Here in my country (Surinam, South America), the Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa‘ah forbid women to go to the mosque, saying that the first Imaam (Imaam Abu Haneefah) learned to do what pleases the Holy Prophet SAWS (peace be upon him), and he had said once that it is better for the women to perform prayer at home, because there is more sawaab (reward) in that, and as we come here to earn sawaab, it is better to do this.

Is it right to forbid women to go to the mosque? If so, where in the Holy Qur’aan or the ahaadeeth can I find this?


Praise be to Allah.

There is no doubt that a woman’s prayer in her house is better for her than praying in the mosque, as is indicated by the Sunnah of the Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him). He said: "Do not prevent your women from going to the mosque, even though their houses are better for them." (Reported by Abu Dawud in al-Sunan, Baab maa jaa’a fee khurooj al-nisaa’ ilaa’l-masjid: Baab al-tashdeed fee dhaalik. See also Saheeh al-Jaami‘, no. 7458).

Whenever a woman prays in a place that is more private and more hidden, that is better for her, as the Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) said: "A woman’s prayer in her house is better than her prayer in her courtyard, and her prayer in her bedroom is better than her prayer in her house." (Reported by Abu Dawud in al-Sunan, Baab maa jaa’a fee khurooj al-nisaa’ ilaa’l-masjid. See also Saheeh al-Jaami‘, no. 3833).

Umm Humayd, the wife of Abu Humayd al-Saa‘idi reported that she came to the Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) and said: "O Messenger of Allaah, I love to pray with you." He said: "I know that you love to pray with me, but praying in your house is better for you than praying in your courtyard, and praying in your courtyard is better for you than praying in the mosque of your people, and praying in the mosque of your people is better for you than praying in my mosque." So she ordered that a prayer-place be built for her in the furthest and darkest part of her house, and she always prayed there until she met Allaah (i.e., until she died). (Reported by Imaam Ahmad; the men of its isnaad are thiqaat (trustworthy)).

But the fact that praying at home is preferable does not mean that that women are not permitted to go to the mosque, as is clear from the following hadeeth:
From ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar, who said: "I heard the Messenger of Allaah SAWS (peace be upon him) say: ‘Do not prevent your women from going to the mosque if they ask your permission.’" Bilaal ibn ‘Abdullah said, "By Allaah, we will prevent them." (Ibn ‘Umar) turned to him and told him off in an unprecedented fashion, saying: "I tell you what the Messenger of Allaah (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) said, and you say ‘By Allaah, we will prevent them’!!" (reported by Muslim, 667).

But there are conditions attached to the permission for women to go to the mosque, as follows:
(1) She should wear complete hijaab.
(2) She should not go out wearing perfume.
(3) She should have the permission of her husband.

Her going out should not involve any other kind of prohibited acts, such as being alone in a car with a non-mahram driver. If a woman does something wrong like that, her husband or guardian has the right to stop her; in fact it is his duty to do so. And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid


Junior Member
Oh the good old " I'm from Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa‘ah " thing that sufees always say ... or as they call themselves in the land of my ancestors " Sunnat Jamaat " are non but "mowlanas" graduated from sufi institutions ( not that all sufis prevent women, but as far as I know, the hanafee-sufees from asian subcontinent do).

If U study them closer, u would see all their bid'ahs and mal practices and bad manners (contrary to the "akhlaaq" they preach) !!!


Oh the good old " I'm from Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa‘ah " thing that sufees always say ... or as they call themselves in the land of my ancestors " Sunnat Jamaat " are non but "mowlanas" graduated from sufi institutions ( not that all sufis prevent women, but as far as I know, the hanafee-sufees from asian subcontinent do).

If U study them closer, u would see all their bid'ahs and mal practices and bad manners (contrary to the "akhlaaq" they preach) !!!


Where is your proof ?? I am not frm India or pakistan....by the way..


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
salaam alikom

Today we had a lecture from a visiting shiekh from TX, @ Zhur time there was a lecture planned for sisters but @ same timing sisters already had a program between them self, I dont know what kind of program but Imagen a shiekh came from different city and they were asked to prospond to another time, thier reply was NO and if shiekh want to give a lecture he can give it after Asr! subhan Allah any way I dont have any comment but when a guest visiting you city at least have some respect for him,

Any way he did his lecture after maghrib and he said he was disapointed by sisters, and during his lecture he mentioned that women came to the prophet peace be up on him and said Oh prophet peace be up on him men took all the good deedes from coming to the mosgue to the Jihad, what we have to reach to thier level he said ( Husn Al Taba3l Le Zawjha) that to be nice and pious with her husband by taking care of his house and childern Equal All what men do from coming to mosque to jihad !!

but again, what some people do by stopping women to come to prayer is wrong and they dont understand anything about religion or even know what are the teaching of the prophet peace be up on him.

:astag: they think by doing that they have the upper power on women, the prophet peace be up on him never raised his voice with his wives, he never stopped women from coming to the mosque, but on another hand women want to come to the mosque, then they dont want any kind of barrier betwen men and women later on then want to set in the same rooom where men sits, I know some of the sister No we dont, but there are women are asking for this too now days ... I am not sure what the intention of watching men its may be not fitnah for them but men's heart is weak they are afraid of fitnah !...

So the both side need to follow the rules of Allah, even though at the time of the prophet peace be up on him women use to pray behinde men but they use to cover them self compeletly, on other hand Men who try to prevent women from coming to prayer they need to go and learn the teaching of the prophet mohammed peace be up on him instead of passing rules which are never from Islam.

:SMILY346: I talked enough :D sorry ..

Wa salaam alikom


Long Live Palestine
Oh the good old " I'm from Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa‘ah " thing that sufees always say ... or as they call themselves in the land of my ancestors " Sunnat Jamaat " are non but "mowlanas" graduated from sufi institutions ( not that all sufis prevent women, but as far as I know, the hanafee-sufees from asian subcontinent do).

If U study them closer, u would see all their bid'ahs and mal practices and bad manners (contrary to the "akhlaaq" they preach) !!!

Brother I know that u didn't intend to generalize, but I say the following just for more clarification: not all Sufis are astray, there are some great scholars and common followers among them who don't practice Bed3a. One great scholar is from Syria, Al Imam Al BooTi (my Allah benefit the Umma from his knowledge), he is a true Sufi, as far as I know, and his books are widely circulated and acknowledged among followers of different Madhabs, although here in Jordan the majority are madhab Shafi (except in Personal Status laws which is Hanafi), he is widely read and venerated...


Brother I know that u didn't intend to generalize, but I say the following just for more clarification: not all Sufis are astray, there are some great scholars and common followers among them who don't practice Bed3a. One great scholar is from Syria, Al Imam Al BooTi (my Allah benefit the Umma from his knowledge), he is a true Sufi, as far as I know, and his books are widely circulated and acknowledged among followers of different Madhabs, although here in Jordan the majority are madhab Shafi (except in Personal Status laws which is Hanafi), he is widely read and venerated...


i agree with u partly....Some sufees are extreme.


Junior Member

Well well well, in my area, all sisters comes to the local mosque and they did NOT cover their clothes, in fact they are making it worse.

If my wife wants to go to the mosque, i would welcome her but she have to cover her body.

At moments all girls wears hajib but its for beauty and fashion, not for islam.

sisters, please don't against me...i do care all sisters in Islam.

please forgive me if i was wrong.

May Allah rewards us. AMEEN


Daud McGuire

Say he is one
salam Akhi


yeah i know that hadith bro, but theres more to a womans jihad than that! its not only hajj!


oh and about the vid ^ well i think there are more pressing matters than this facing the ummah, ok women should be allowed in definitely but thats not the main issue of the day i think. (besides its dispatches!)

What other forms of Jihad must a woman be prepared to face? Get some refrences as well, Im always intrested in learning new things


Junior Member
the prophet(s.a.w) said do not stop your women from entering the masjid, even though them praying in their home has a greater reward for them.

so first of all those men do not need to be refusing the women to enter the masjid. and the masjid needs space for women who want to pray. secondly why would those women be fighting to pray in the masjid when there is more reward for them in praying in their home? are they not trying to please Allah and attain maximum reward. praying in our home is a blessing from Allah to women.so if a women is taking care of child she does have burden herself five times a day by taking the small child with her or leaving it by itself (and we all know is mainly women that take care of children). Instead Allah has allowed her to pray in her house and Allah has even given her more reward for that. Alhamdullilah we get to pray in our house!!! thirdly why are these bring outsiders (i.e nonmuslims) into muslim affairs, what are they going to do about it? force muslim men to build more room in the masjid?

point here is that both parties had their faults, the men for refusing and the women for not doing that which is better for them ( but instead want to make a show).

ps: was the who was the host a muslim?

pps: i did not watch the entire video so i may be missing vital info...


Staff member
Salam Ukhti

What other forms of Jihad must a woman be prepared to face? Get some refrences as well, Im always intrested in learning new things


well this isnt references like u wanted sister, but its just some stuff i could get quickly sorry i cant find some right now...!

Khaalid bin Al-Waleed had besieged Damascus. He had sent a Muslim blocking force to the north to prevent Roman reinforcements from coming to replenish the garrison at Damascus. At the head of this army was the commander Dhiraar - the lion of Syria who used to fight amongst the armoured enemies of Islaam naked from the waist up. He was a fierce warrior who had unfortunately been captured by the Roman reinforcements since their army was twice the strength of the Muslims, and he had launched headlong into the ranks of the enemies by himself, killing so many of the foe that his companions could not keep up with the pace. Soon he was too far into the ranks of the Romans, and was surrounded and captured. Khaalid bin Al-Waleed, upon hearing this, mobilized 5,000 from amongst the besieging force at Damascus and rode like the wind to come to the aid of the Muslims.

As Khalid approached the battlefield he suddenly saw a Muslim rider flash past him from behind and gallop off towards the Roman front. Before Khalid could stop him, he was gone. A slim, lightly-built person, dressed in black, this rider wore a breastplate and was armed with a sword and a long lance. He sported a green turban and had a scarf wrapped around his face, acting as a mask, with only his eyes visible. Khalid arrived on the battlefield in time to see this rider throw himself at the Romans with such fury that everyone present thought that he and his horse must both be mad. Raafe saw this rider before he saw Khalid and remarked, "He attacks like Khalid, but he is clearly not Khalid." Then Khalid joined Raafe. (second in command)

Khalid took a little time to organize Raafe's group and his own Mobile Guard into one and deploy it as a combined force for battle. Meanwhile the masked rider treated the Muslims to a thrilling display of horsemanship and attacks with the lance. He would go charging on his own, strike the Roman front at one point and kill a man; then go galloping away to another part of the front, again strike someone in the Roman front line and so on. A few Romans came forward to tackle him but all went down before his terrible lance. Marvelling at this wondrous sight, the Muslims could still see nothing more of the warrior than a youthful figure and a pair of bright eyes shining above the mask. The rider appeared bent on suicide as with his clothes and lance covered with blood, he struck again and again at the Romans. The example of this warrior put fresh courage into the men of Raafe, who forgot their fatigue and went into battle with renewed high spirits as Khalid gave the order to attack.

The masked rider, now joined by many others, continued his personal war against the Romans as the entire Muslim force attacked the Roman front. Soon after the general attack had begun, Khalid got near this rider and called, "O warrior, show us your face." A pair of dark eyes flashed at Khalid before the rider turned away and galloped off into another assault at the Romans. Next, a few of Khalid's men caught up with him and said,

"O noble warrior, your commander calls you and you turn away from him! Show us your face and tell us your name so that you may be properly honoured."

Again the rider turned away as if deliberately trying to keep his identity a secret.

As the masked rider returned from his charge, he passed by Khalid, who called to him sternly to stop. The rider pulled up his horse, and Khalid continued, "You have done enough to fill our hearts with admiration. Who are you?"

Khalid nearly fell off his horse when he heard the reply of the masked rider, for it was the voice of a girl.

"O commander, I only turn away from you out of modesty. You are the glorious commander, and I am of those who stay behind the veil. I fight like this because my heart is on fire."

"Who are you?"

"I am Khaulah, sister of Dhiraar. My brother has been captured, and I must fight to set him free."

its not obligatory for sisters like u said so ure right, hajj is the specific reference and holds the most weight but check out these Sahabiyat aswell:

Sumayyah bint Khayyat
Nusaybah Umm Imarah
Umm Salamah
Saffiyah bint Abdul Mutalib
Ruqayyah bint Muhammad
Asma bint Abu Bakr

About Nusaybah the Prophet (s) said this: “on the day of Uhud whether I looked to the right or the left, I saw Nusaybah fighting round about me”

So anything is possible right? :)



New Member
i really think tht the video is really b@#l s*&% they just go to a mosque n want 2 offer salah then when the imam stops them they create a fracas n da ppl making a documentary out of this is really silly they fostered the ruckus by making a video.

this could b done in a more civilized manner they could have talked to the trustee of the majid fr a womens place so they could have got a seperate place fr prayers they just cant go n interrupt inside the mosque where men pray infact they cant even pray alongside the men..

i know many ppl dont allow women to pray in mosque in this case a seperate mosque fr women could b made by providing funds here they r just making a mockery of themselves....absurd uh!

( sorry fr some really defamatory words used in the post i was caught up in the emotion of the charges)


Junior Member
i really think tht the video is really b@#l s*&% they just go to a mosque n want 2 offer salah then when the imam stops them they create a fracas n da ppl making a documentary out of this is really silly they fostered the ruckus by making a video.

this could b done in a more civilized manner they could have talked to the trustee of the majid fr a womens place so they could have got a seperate place fr prayers they just cant go n interrupt inside the mosque where men pray infact they cant even pray alongside the men..

i know many ppl dont allow women to pray in mosque in this case a seperate mosque fr women could b made by providing funds here they r just making a mockery of themselves....absurd uh!

( sorry fr some really defamatory words used in the post i was caught up in the emotion of the charges)

I believe that the right to the mosque is a basic right as being a Muslim. It's the center of the community - how can you be a part of the community if you aren't allowed to go in? Personally, I think it's great that these women have such a strong faith in Allah and haven't been discouraged or haven't left Islam or become less devoted because of the misled and truly despicable actions of many of their brothers.

I don't think you can really judge their actions until you've been in their place. After being turned away time after time and denied their rights, I think the way they handled it was perfectly fine. I know if that were to happen to me... I don't know what I would have done, but I know I would have been very, very angry and hurt. If they don't confront them, nothing is going to happen. Of course, nothing will happen unless Allah wills it, but sitting back and doing nothing will not change a thing.

Yes, a woman can pray at home, but barring them from the mosque is doing women damage. Who is supposed to teach the children if the women can't learn themselves? And who is supposed to help them when they need help?

If there's no money to build a place for them, then they can pray behind the men. There's nothing that says that's wrong, and I don't see how it can distract men - unless they have eyes in the back of their heads!

I know I'll be praying for them and their cause. I hope this barring women from the mosque issue isn't going to spread even more and become more common than not. It's just so wrong.