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  1. S

    Racism in the name of Islam?

    :salam2: yes very true :girl3: :wasalam:
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    Racism in the name of Islam?

    :salam2: :girl3::angryred::girl3::angryred: Time will come when the power given to the powerfull will taken away... like it was taken away from firauvn too.... And then those who misused the power given to them will see that they have no power at all.... They will feel how weak and...
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    Do not trust your nefs

    :salam2: ve iyaky uckti :hearts: :wasalam:
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    Do not trust your nefs

    :salam2: dear tti brothers and sisters you are may all aware of the thread of sister revert2007 where she is warning not to speak with the opposite gender becauce this can lead one into temptation. I don´t want this issue to become even more vast. She warned us not to speak to the...
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    Feeling sad? Read this hadith....:-)

    :salam2: brother, jazak Allahu ckair for this comforting reminder. so the most fool person must be the one who is blessed with Islam but leaves it behind his back.... may Allah protect us :wasalam:
  6. S

    Why is no one discussing Ft. Hood?

    this is so typical for someone who is self-righteous... your speech is full of hate.... If you think negativ you´ll attract misfortune... try to think positiv... one man is not islam! But he is just one muslim out of millions.... There is alot of hatred set in this world. You don´t need to set...