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    Remember Iraq!!!

    :salam2: brother Al-Kashmiri jazak Allahu ckair for your reply. It was usefull. :wasalam: :salam2: sister a_muslimah86, you have explaned very well. May it is inappropriate saying this now but you are an enrichment for tti. and for Iraq. and for the whole ummah. I just love you...
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    Remember Iraq!!!

    :salam2: brother swordofAllah, I can understand you when you are acting emotional about this. It is kind of you that you are saddened with the afflictment of others. there are many who don´t care about the state of the ummah. What I want to advice you as your older sister to ease your...
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    Can faith be foced upon?

    :salam2: You have explained it very well. jazak Allahu ckair. :wasalam:
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    Remember Iraq!!!

    :salam2: Salem when reading your post some questions arised in my mind... the second hadith above is not refering to the people of Iraq! but to the people of najd instead: Al-Bukhari records that the Prophet (sa) said, Ibn Umar said that the Prophet (sa) said, “O Allah, bless us in...
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    Can faith be foced upon?

    :salam2: Islam come to the mankind as a blessing and to release people from anykind of tyranny. With whorshipping the One and Only God men and women will become free people. Islam is not persuading the people to follow the deen by bounding them on chains but with nothing else then a...
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    How to get an A Grade final Exam?

    :salam2: You may know someone who is studying for final exams these days. Final exams are always a nice time to focus on the true exam of life. How to get an A Grade final Exam? By Muhammad Alshareef 1. In school, you can often redo your exam if you fail. In the hereafter, if one fails...
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    Swiss ban mosque minarets

    :salam2: the problem is not Islam. It is without any doubt a blessing for mankind. The problem is also not the mesjid. The purpose of the mesjid is not to be a fancy building with minarets... If we (muslims) want we can take an unoccupied room/building, and there are many... and voila we have...
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    Swiss ban mosque minarets

    :salam2: my little brother :) I was speaking in general. Not to you directly. Yes, I did not like your comment but I also did not take offence at it. I know you (that much that I trust you to be a benevolent brother). But still you should be carefull with such comments because others who...
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    Swiss ban mosque minarets

    :salam2: I see some negativ comments about europeans and it bothers me! I´m from a muslim country and I live in europe. And in my own country it would not be possible for girls to enter school/university with hijab... but in europe it is! There are many muslims living in France, UK...
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    What kind of Muslim are you

    Unity in Islam :salam2: Please look at this video it is only 5 minutes. Skeick Yasir Fazaqa explains Unity in Islam: :wasalam:
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    What kind of Muslim are you

    :salam2: I´m from Islamistan too.... :) lol that was funny... I want to say something about the 4 imams... they was all muslims! and they was not enemies of eachother. I respect them all. with following the 4 imams we will not get divided. Rather our diffrent ways of thinking will be...
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    Remember Iraq!!!

    :salam2: Allah is greater than the unjust done to the innocents.... ALLAHU AKBAR :wasalam:
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    I can't, its impossible......

    :salam2: such a great reminder. Jazak Allahu ckair brother :wasalam:
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    :salam2: brother, look for a job in which you can earn your money in a halal way. I don´t know why you have to leave your house in this case but even if you leave your house do not leave your family! Keep on struggeling to make them leave the haram business... inshaallah they will repent...
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    deeper meanings in the Quran

    :salam2: mashaallah. great answer. jazak Allahu ckair :wasalam:
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    :salam2: brother I´m proud of you.... it is so nice of you that you turned to Allah and have shared your sadness with HIM. Inshaallah He will be your protector :wasalam:
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    My Cousin has died

    :salam2: Do not give up hope... inshaallah you will recover from this... inshaallah... and remember with every little pain this disease is causing you, your sins will be forgiven inshaallah.... May Allah grant us all what is ckair for us :wasalam:
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    My Cousin has died

    :salam2: Oh sister, I´m so sorry for you... Inshaallah Allah will give you patience so that you can bear this loss :girl3: and inshaallah He will have mercy with this brother, your cousin... all I can say is : Inna lillahi wa inna Illaahi rajioon.... :wasalam:
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    :salam2: these are good advices. jazak Allahu ckair :) :wasalam:
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    Unlawfulness of Oppression and Restoring Others Rights

    :salam2: Unlawfulness of Oppression and Restoring Others Rights Allah, the Exalted, says: "There will be no friend, nor an intercessor for the Zalimun (polytheists and the wrongdoers), who could be given heed to.'' (40:18) "And for the Zalimun (wrongdoers, polytheists and...