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  1. S

    Do you REALLY CARE????????

    :salam2: If you check the link below, it is a documentary about septemper 11, you´ll have no doubts that it was an inside job!!!! It is in German but with english subtitels. Sep 11 was just used as a pretense to attack Iraq and Afghanistan. “They were plotting and Allah too was...
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    Marry the 7 types of pearls

    :salam2: and this is also beneficial for the single sisters :) jazak Allahu ckair for sharing :wasalam:
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    türkçe bilenler buraya -who know Turkish here (TURKEY)

    :salam2: foruma hoş geldin. Seni aramızda görmek ne kadar güzel. Ben de ingilizceyi mükemmel konuşmuyorum. Ama önemli olan anlaşılır olması. TTI Güzel bir site. Faydalı olur inşallah. Inglizceyi de sıkça uygularsan ilerletebilirsin. :wasalam:
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    Concepts clarified in the Quran

    :salam2: The concept of the conflict between the followers of truth and those of falsehood: This conflict can only be to the advantage of the Muslims if their ranks are cleared of hypocrites and those of weak faith. If any believing group wishes to attain victory from Allaah, then it must...
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    Do you REALLY CARE????????

    :salam2: there is no such thing as "muslim ummah". This is just a word. Look at europe. What would happen if any european country would be occupied? Whole EU would regard it as a matter of course to support it´s nations cause. They would stand united against the occupier. As an example I...
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    Amazing dream last night

    :salam2: mashaallah what a dream. Inshaallah you´ll read quran more often now. Reading your dream wake a passion in me to be more close to Allah S.w.T Jazak Allahu ckair for sharring. May Allah bless you :salam2:
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    any idea about little girls's hobby?

    :salam2: sister so boxing is not haram but dancing is.... hmmm.... the oppinions of schoolars regarding music are divided. Once a delegation from Abyssinia visited the prophet s.a.w. And some members performed diffrent games and traditional dances in the inner yard. The prophet s.a.w...
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    I'm a Niqabi!!!

    :salam2: sister, you have your opinion and I´ve got mine. What do to with those claiming hijab is not obligatory....? Prooving the opposit to them! why you blame the women....? Everyone is responsible for his/her actions! I agree that women wearing no hijab cause temptation to men. But...
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    I'm a Niqabi!!!

    :salam2: sister revert, In turkey it is only in public places, like university not allowed to wear hijab. I do not claim that it is ok for women not wearing hijab. And I never would claim something like that! But it is fact that we have many women in our ummah not wearing it.... What do we...
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    I'm a Niqabi!!!

    :salam2: so all women wearing no hijab are sinners.... and all women wearing hijab are not sinners....? No they are sinners too.... we all commit sins..... I know some sisters they believe but they don´t wear hijab.... I don´t say to them "hey you guys are sinners!" I prefer to advice people...
  11. S

    I'm a Niqabi!!!

    :salam2: a sister without hijab is still a muslim aslong she agrees she is commiting a sin.... but we should not judge people... a teaching of humbleness is that nothing is ultimate. Because only Allah knows how someone will end up but not we! the problem is we criticize the shortcommings of...
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    Turkey, Jordan lift visa requirements

    :salam2: wow that are great news. Not so long ago the visa requirement between turkey and syria was rescinded aswell. There is talk of a stratecic cooperation of both countries. I read in turkish media that Turkey is planning later on to waive visa requirement with Iraq aswell. Not sure if...
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    needs reasons to believe again.

    :salam2: sister life of this world is a test. We are in this world because Allah wants us to enter paradise by defeating our nefs (feelings) which is attracted to evil deeds and glorify His majesty . We can manage this if we believe in Allah and love Allah. I´m sure you believe in Allah...
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    She wants to repent but....

    :salam2: Jazak Allahu ckair. Yes you are so right. What would I be if I was not blessed with iman... live the happiest life and then end up in hellfire... Auzubillah... She likes reading alot. I believe she´ll be very touched by these words. I appreciate your effort with replying to this...
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    She wants to repent but....

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckai sister a _muslimah86. Your reply is truelly beautiful. I have a book about the life of the Prophet. I know that she´ll love it. I will give that to her. I know one of the factors making her heart so hard. Others around her encourage her to sin and she regards...
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    She wants to repent but....

    :salam2: The truth, wow that is a pretty long reply. Jazak Allahu ckair. I´ll forward that to her. I read not all yet.The links you have provided are looking pretty interesting. But I have to confess this article made me somehow sad... I mean when I´m remembered at those people who are in...
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    I humbley request that you......

    :salam2: Do not be sad sister. Put your trust in Allah. We depent all on Him. Inshaallah your niece will soon recover. I hope many (who read this thread) will pray for her. :wasalam:
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    She wants to repent but....

    :salam2: sister revert2007, jazak Allahu ckair for your advice. Yes she is a born muslim... and she knows about tauhid and jahannam and jannah actually. I don´t know how to make her scared from the punishment of Allah... You are totally right the environment can not be an excuse it is up...
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    She wants to repent but....

    :salam2: I have a girlfriend and she is going through a depression. I don´t know how to help her. I´m really confused. She says that she firmly believs in Islam but she can not live according it.... she starts praying and then she abandonents it... again and again... She is in a depression...
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    self confidence?

    :salam2: dear sister saima abdullah I like this topic. A humans worth in Islam depents on his relationship with his Creator. Not on his physical apperance, not on his skills, and also not on how much money he earns.... I believe If we strenghten our relationship with Allah this will...