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    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair for the reminder sister. You put it in a very nice way mashaallah. :hearts: :wasalam:
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    Do not be sad because of your suffering

    :salam2: Jazak Allahu ckair all my sisters for your beautiful replys. Indeed when we think about it our suffering causing us pain seems so meaningfull... if we are patient like our beloved Prophet s.a.w was. This is the way Allah is preparing us for jannah, inshaallah. :wasalam:
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    New Sister :]

    :salam2: Welcome to tti sister Hana Askar. Nice to have you among us :hearts: :wasalam:
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    Do not be sad because of your suffering

    :salam2: As you all know the childhood of our Prophet Muhammed s.a.w was not easy. When he was just 8 years, he had allready lost his father, his mother and also his grandfather. To that the people around him s.a.w was very poor. The sitution of our Prophet s.a.w by the standards of the...
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    tell us ur story

    :salam2: Hi sister muslimah_egypt, welcome to tti first. :hearts: My experience with Quran, I remember how exited I was when first starting to read. I feel an inner peace when reading Quran. In times of sorrow I find a big comfort in reading... When I was very sad once I came by chance...
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    A boy and a girl

    :salam2: may it is because of this, there is a hadith telling us that "the muslim is the mirrow of the muslim" :wasalam:
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    real love

    :salam2: I know from your posts that you are a sister with iman, Alhamdulillah. Now i also know how mature you are. Because even I was so rude to you, you have forgiven me so easily.... what should I say... I´m sorry again... May Allah reward you with highest Jannah :wasalam:
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    real love

    :salam2: thank you too for your comment. Yes, you are right the only real love is the love to Allah SWT. And it is for HIS sake that I love you... :hearts: :wasalam:
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    real love

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair for beeing so kind :hearts: :wasalam:
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    real love

    :salam2: uuuups.... sorry sister revert... I´ve totally misunderstood you due to my bad english....:shymuslima1: hope you don´t mind.... :wasalam:
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    Before it's too late

    :salam2: sister hassana elkoussi your posts are always very encouraging and usefull. May Allah reward you for that. I really appricate your presence in tti... :hearts: keep up the good work :hearts: :hearts::hearts: :wasalam:
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    real love

    As salamu aleykum sister revert2007,
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    real love

    :salam2: sister revert2007 and brother Al-Kashmiri, I´m sorry for my writting. I´ve allready edited my post and I will take care to writte in a grammatically correct way in futre inshaallah. At least as good as I can for my english is not the best.... but thank you all for your advice...
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    real love

    :salam2: yes you are right brother. I think if one tastes the sweetness of true iman once he will not need anything anymore in this world... I hope that we´ll belong to the people who love Allah more than anything in this world... inshaallah... :wasalam:
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    Do you like ORANGE ?

    :salam2: looks so vivid... very nice... even if orange is not my favorit coulor :) :wasalam:
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    real love

    :salam2: thak u sister rightpath_357, but a poet... me?...loool... I don´t have such a talent unfurtunatelly... may it is the love in peoples hearts making their speech sweet... even they r not poets :hearts: :wasalam:
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    real love

    :salam2: thank u for ur comments sisters. Allah is the best of helpers. He was the one who ordered the fire in which Ibrahim a.s. was thrown to be cool. And He was the one who give Ayoup a.s. sabr and with it his rewards... and it is His rememberance making our hearts peacefull... :wasalam:
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    Recomended story, Masha,allah!!

    :salam2: so beautiful. jazak allahu ckair for sharing. :wasalam:
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    real love

    :salam2: Alhamdullilah! He is the only one who deserves most to be loved.... and He is the solution for all who are looking for a solution :) :wasalam:
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    real love

    :salam2: I was looking for something real in my life. Something that will never be expired.... something that will always remain.... and I thought it could be a good husband....:shymuslima1: but it was not..... I was looking for someone who can provide me a solution for my problems for...