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    i just hate her...pathetic

    :salam2: if it was me... I would make everyone understand that I´m hurted...! not by insulting them...! but in a kind way... I would do so first because I´m thinking at myself. If someone is treating me disrespectfull and i´m quite it would have effects on my selfesteem! and second I would...
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    [Help]My future?

    :salam2: I can not understand u guys... lol... why you have to make things so complicated....? if you follow a sister for sure she will think you are a strange guy... how can she know what´s ur intention...? I will give you an example of my life.... I was on my way home from mesjid. and...
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    Ummah's life not more than 1500 yrs: hadith true?

    :salam2: another question... what have we prepared....? :wasalam:
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    Super-Speed Taraweeh

    :salam2: befor others too will put a negative comment on that let me tell you it will bring us no where.... what we can c is that there is a problem.... very often turkish imans are leading taraweeh prayer to fast. like the iman in the video... this is the first problem.... second...
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    Super-Speed Taraweeh

    :salam2: the iman is to be blamed first not the muslims who are just following the iman :wasalam:
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    My sin is better than yours!

    :salam2: to all and hi :ma: great answer brother mezeren. and hellbreaker the way you behave a sincere muslim would never do so... we (muslims) are helpers of eachother... if we see someone who is comitting a sin we have to advise him that he changes his actions and support him to...
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    If you don't feel it like *this*..don't claim it

    :salam2: a-muslimah_86 wooooow .... subhanallah.... I´m deeply touched.... you know what, this was such a usefull thread.... it is so motivating! it make one wanna shout out: Allahu Akbar! Jazak Allahu ckair. luv you :hearts: :wasalam:
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    ever imagined life without Islam?

    :salam2: well there was a time in my life before I embraced Islam.... and I regret it alot.... If you would give me the entire world I don´t want to leave Islam anymore.... I need Allah like someone who is lost in the dessert needs water.... despite of my disloyality I hope for His mercy...
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    H1N1 - True story

    :salam2: first jazak Allahu ckair for sharring the storry with us. when i have a wish I turn to Allah.... that is not bida...? i mean i´m not a schoolar or someone of knowledge but do we not pray in surat Al Fatiha "only You we whorship and only You we ask for help" once I prayed two rakkas...
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    Please help me!!!

    :salam2: I´ll also paray for you :wasalam:
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    A little disturbed

    :salam2: I also don´see a wrong in the reply of the Shaick. I like it that he also criticised the families attitude towards the woman... :wasalam:
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    some thing shocking happened today

    :salam2: when I was in turkey i heard similar storries like that... ppl there also believe that Allah was testing them with His angels.... I don´t know... but it is possible... :wasalam:
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    Who created the Creator?

    :salam2: mashaallah well said brother. :wasalam:
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    Who created the Creator?

    ve aleykum selam ve rahmatulah ve barakatuh brother IbnAdam77 jazak Allahu ckair for your comment. there is only One to whom all aspects apply.....
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    Please make dua for me...I think hope is slipping away

    tie down your camel :salam2: you are not praying for any material stuff or someting.... you want to change yourself.... as much I understand your aim is to improove yourself... and that is great.... it is so good that you are aware of your weak points and that you want to improove...
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    RE: VeryConfused: A simple explanation: NO...

    As salamu aleykum I believe, first of all welcome to tti. I just wonder if you read all replies..... this is what you said: Please don't listen to these people. As you said, they are trying to twist your words and make you the "bad guy" because they can't answer your question because they...
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    your best?

    :salam2: there are many ppl I want to start with my beloved grandmother ( may Allah have mercy with her) she suffered from cancer. but i never heard her complaining about that... and eventhough I know she was sick I never believed she had an incurable disease... till her sickness got...
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    Who created the Creator?

    As salamu aleykum bro Rashadi YES! that is what we believe! Allahu Akbar! ve aleykum selam
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    Who created the Creator?

    :salam2: lil sis jazak Allahu ckair for your your mindfulness :hearts: :wasalam:
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    Who created the Creator?

    :salam2: Ramadhan mubarek to you too. I did not share it to proove sth to someone... but to boost the self-esteem of us muslims.... glad to know you like it :wasalam: