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    a sister from Turkey ** As Salamu Alaikum **

    :salam2: :SMILY206: foruma hosgeldin Hatice... bende türküm. yasIm 24. ne güzel demek ögretmensin. cok güzel bir meslek :ma: seni aramIzda görmekten mutluluk duyuyorum. KiB :wasalam:
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    Hang on!!!!!!! Wait and think!!!!!!

    :salam2: again what i appreciate alot is that not only the muslims are warned of the flaw of the hypocrites but also a solution and a way out is offered to those who are "infected " in their hearts ... jazak Allahu ckair again... I hope Allah will forgive me... :wasalam:
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    Hang on!!!!!!! Wait and think!!!!!!

    :salam2: OMG I´m sooooooo shocked when reading this.... bec I read also sura Al-baqara some days ago and then there was exactly this question which captured my mind... are they and me believers or hypocrites...? Can i really dare to call someone who claims to be a believer a hypocrite? It...
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    Can I talk to Allah SWT about anything?

    :salam2: brother Islam!!yay just to come back to the topic again... ofcourse Allah Subanallahu Teala answers all your prayers doesn´t matter what you ask HIM.... the sahaba r.a. asked Allah also for so small things... bec you will be rewarded for praying... when we pray we ackknowledge our...
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    Can I talk to Allah SWT about anything?

    hello cemophora, No offence but you made me laugh brother.... :) so you think I´m not acting islamic? check this out then and you will see how strongly my words was influenced by Quran: Allah - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Proclaim, (O dear Prophet...
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    Can you share your self-made dua's?

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair. I wish same for you. and wallahi I love you sooooo much uckti... and if you was my DIL I would be the happiest woman on earth.... but do not think anything now cuz I have not a son(I´m 1 year older than you) lol... may Allah always bless you and protect yoo and...
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    Can I talk to Allah SWT about anything?

    hi again, it is ok you do not have to believe what I believe and I also do not believe in what you believe. I have my religion and you got yours. and I`m not only convinced that my believe is true I`m more than just conviced I don´t need any miracles to be satisfied. if I Allah would talk to...
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    Unter falscher Flagge: Dokumentarfilm über den 11. September

    :salam2: respected brother abdalilah ameen to your dua and jazak Allahu ckair for your support. May Allah make us steadfast and heal our hearts from Al- Wahn. May Allah unite all muslims. May Allah always guide you on the straight path and make you enter highest jannah inshaallah. :wasalam:
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    Can I talk to Allah SWT about anything?

    hi, everybody has a diffrent understanding of freedom. you may define freedom as "to do whatever you want without beeing bount to rules"... but there is one thing you don´t understand we the muslims do not only believe in Allah but we also love HIM. and that´s why it is an honor to be HIS...
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    Can you share your self-made dua's?

    :salam2: when I´m afflicted with calamaties I pray: "YA Rabbi You was the one who ordered the fire Ibrahim a.s. was thrown into to be cool. please make the fire in which I´m burning cool too even when I do not deserve it" when I have to give up something or someone I like for the sake...
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    Has Allah SWT answered your prayers

    :salam2: just be patient and keep making dua. :wasalam: