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  1. S

    Love marriage

    :salam2: cooome oooon... i don´t treat me like I´m a mimosa.... why should i be offended....? :) :wasalam:
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    why we fail in becoming one united ummah

    :salam2: welcome to the site :) well you made me laugh.... you called me an "arabcI" and I am not one.... I agree with you that Saudi Arabia is not ruled with justice, yani Sharia the laws of Allah.... with my 2. question, which u´ve quoted I wanted to underline that.... but u did not...
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    Love marriage

    :salam2: I don´t know what u guys mean with "love mariage".... I think it all depents on how you define it.... but love is a word with deep meanings and I dislike it if it is used with a negativ association..... may love is not the only reason but it is still a reason why ppl get...
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    MOTHER vs MUSLIM MOTHER-all plz read-

    :salam2: yeah true. u r right. education is important muslim mothers have a huge responsibillity. :wasalam:
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    MOTHER vs MUSLIM MOTHER-all plz read-

    :salam2: I mean when they grow up :wasalam:
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    why we fail in becoming one united ummah

    :salam2: if you claim that what I say is not true you have to bring clear facts which demonstrates that you are right and I´m wrong .... but fact is you can not proove me wrong.... you are convinced that you are right only bec you´ve heard and read the fairy tail of the "betraying arabs"...
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    why we fail in becoming one united ummah

    :salam2: hmmmmm.... ok so what is the solution sister.... according to you we should forgive the arabs.... but the arabs was and are still "betraying arabs" so how can we forgive them.... such a drama.... lol we should not concentrate to much on the past... the past is allready gone with...
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    Love marriage

    :salam2: I´m sorry but i don´t agree with some of you... first of all we have to know what love means... love is a feeling appearing in our hearts/souls isn´t it...? it is not haram to have feelings.... it depents on what you do with your feelings... for example while fasting in ramadan...
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    MOTHER vs MUSLIM MOTHER-all plz read-

    :salam2: If I´m amother one day I´ll teach both inshaallah... A for Allah and for apple... I agree that it is the responsibillity of the mother to teach her children in the best way about Islam... but if the kids still refuse to follow the deen then it is not the mother who should be...
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    why we fail in becoming one united ummah

    :salam2: this topic was started by me a long time ago with the intention to eliminate all those prejudices... and I see from your reply that it did not help at all.....! and yes, I´m dissapointed about it... was all my attempt just for NOTHING.....? I advice you to reread my post espesically...
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    Internal Travel ;)

    :salam2: mashaallah. I really enjoed reading. that was just so touching and inspiring . jazak Allahu ckair sister Dilek :hearts: :wasalam:
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    Blame Ourselves or Blame the Rulers?

    :salam2: so if we all agree that the wealth of the ummah is up to the ruled ones, yani to us muslims than we all as individuals have a great responsibillity.... we have to do alot and we can change alot.... if we only could c that..... instead of cursing our fellow muslim brothers/sisters...
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    The Truth About Scholars Nowadays

    :salam2: Brother the url´s you´ve posted are not working. accept the first one... about us... how many of us muslims are truelly believers.... how many of us claim to believe in Allah but in there hearts there is no love for Allah and His messenger s.a.w. but love to this world only How...
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    the harsh truth

    :salam2: why are we alwasy so judgemental...... ppl can have reasons to use such matrimonial sites... the harsh truth is that we don´t help when ppl are afflicted... we even don´t notice it... but we are very quick to judge them....
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    Post your FAVORITE part of..........

    :salam2: there are many many many things I like.... I´m ashamed cuz I don´t have much knowledge..... but regarding his (saw) biographies you will see how kindhearted he (saw) was with all ppl... muslim or not.... I like alot how he (saw) was sad with the sadness of others... and how he...
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    I demand to be told the truth about Islam!

    Hi everytime when someone is blaming the muslims of beeing violent, terrorist backstabed or whatever I´m so angry my blood is boiling. meaning of jihad: Jihad means struggle and this struggle can lead to war... but we don´t consider the war as a holy war... only the peace for which we...
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    Have You Belittled Yourself?

    :salam2: dear sister Tabassum07 hadith qutsi are from Allah Subanallahu Teala revealed to Prophet Muhammed saw. a better and more detailed explanation, plus 40 Hadith Qudsi you can find here: :wasalam:
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    [Help]My future?

    :salam2: brother shaheerpak, is so right... this is a one of the topics which we can discuss till we get headache and still there is confusion... lol I want to add that if you want to marry a woman when you see her or talk to her (infront of her wali) you will know wether she matches with...
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    Have You Belittled Yourself?

    :salam2: very good thread. mashaallah. sometimes i c ppl they are very quite and shy... but when someone says something wrong about Allah, astagfirullah.. or the deen of Allah... or the servants of Allah... despite their shyness you see them protecting the deen in such a high mettled...
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    [Help]My future?
